04. A Small Moment Of Weakness

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Alisha didn't bring up last night as they geared up to head out on the Turner's boat. The Marsh was closed, but that wasn't going to stop them from being on the water without interfering with the search for some random boat that had gone missing in the hurricane. Norman didn't know why it was such a big deal, but apparently, James had mentioned something about them finding a dead body. It gave Norman chills to think about, but it had reportedly been some random Pogue that worked for Sarah Cameron's father. So, it didn't matter too much to him.

Sitting on the docks while they waited for the boat to be ready for them to go, Norman observed the settings around him. The sun had barely risen, but they always liked to go early if they weren't hungover from a party the night before. Lila liked to watch the sunrise and it was nice to be out on the water when most people weren't even awake yet. It was just peaceful. Granted, getting up had been a pain in the ass since Norman hadn't gotten much sleep.

"You look like shit," James greeted in lieu of a good morning, causing Norman to scoff and flip him off.

"Dick," was all Norman said in response, squinting since the sun was beginning to shine in his eyes. He knew he'd be thankful for the fun experiences with his friends later, but right now he was just tired and way too sweaty for five in the morning.

"Seriously, what's up with you, dude? You've been all mopey and Alisha's been super quiet all morning. Did you guys finally fuck or something? She's kinda makin' her way around the friend group, lately," James said with a smirk that, even though Norman loved him, he wanted to smack right off of his face.

Norman rolled his eyes, scoffing and saying, "Dude, no and don't talk about her like that. It's Alisha, we're the only people on this fucking island who don't give her shit for that stuff, let's keep it that way."

The curly-haired boy raised his hands in surrender as he hopped up on the boat now that his crew was done setting them up for departure. He nodded towards the girls who had been involved in their own conversation and they began loading up. Norman sighed as he gazed out at the water, wishing he could feel as peaceful as the scenery looked. After the girls were on, he climbed onto the boat and they set off.

However, as they were driving past the private docks, Norman noticed something. John B was standing on the Camerons' dock with huge bags of what looked like it could be diving equipment. Norman new he worked for the Cameron family, but it was peculiar considering it was five in the morning and he was fairly sure the family wasn't even awake yet.

"Hold on, James, stop the boat," Norman called over to the curly-haired boy, hoping the boy on the docks wouldn't notice them driving by.

"What's up?" Gemma asked, standing up with her hands on her hips as she walked over to the boys.

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now