24. Right Now

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That night, where Alisha usually laid, John B took her place. Yes, he knew he would have to work out things with the girl eventually because they were a complete mess, right now he was at peace. His mother hadn't questioned him as he had come home that night with the boy in tow, only with a knowing glint in her eye his father didn't have yet. However, right now, none of that mattered. Right now, it was him and John B lying in the dark of his room as the moonlight spilled into the room in scattered slivers of white.

"This honestly isn't what I thought your room would look like," John B mused as he sat on the boy's bed, looking up at the ceiling he commented, "I like the stars."

"What did you think my room would look like?" Norman asked with a small laugh as he laid down against the wall with his hands resting gently on his stomach.

The other boy shrugged, "I don't know. Every room in Sarah's house looks like it was plucked from a catalog. I just... didn't expect it to be so personal. If that makes sense."

"Just because I'm rich doesn't mean I don't have a soul," he laughed as he sat up for a moment to wrap his arms around John B's waist from behind as he leaned in to press a kiss to the bare skin at the crook of his neck. The boy welcomed the casual touch, which Norman was grateful for. Part of him was scared that the next thing he would hear was his alarm going off and this would all be a dream. Maybe for once, Norman deserved to be a little bit happy.

"I'm still trying to figure out if you have one or not," John B teased as he turned in the boy's grip and used one hand to push him down as he joined their lips on the way down. Now, this was unexpected, but Norman wasn't arguing. He let his hands find their way to the boy's hair as he tangled them in the overgrown locks with ease.

Norman's lips were alight with flame and the warmth was beginning to spread and find its way through his veins so that every part of his body caught fire. However, before they could get much farther than that, the door swung open. Immediately, the two boys jumped apart as they expected it to be an invasive parent. Surprisingly, though, it was Alisha.

"Oh, my God, ew!" the girl exclaimed as she covered up her eyes, "I don't know what I saw, please tell me both of you are decent."

"Don't be dramatic," Norman sighed as he took pulled his button-up back onto his shoulder but left it undone the way it had been all day, "What are you doing here, Lish?"

The girl removed her hands from her eyes as she immediately stared down John B, "What is he doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" was John B's response to the question to which the girl scoffed and crossed her arms. The girl was short, but her attitude made her feel six feet tall since her personality seemed to take up the entire room.

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now