20. Stillwater

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     "So, here's the plan," John B began to explain before they got too close to the Crain house and split up to look for what they needed. Splitting up couldn't be a good idea, it never was, but this was a big property and they only had so much time before someone realized they were there, "We need to look for the wheat near the water like it said in Denmark's letter."

"Okay, like what kind of water? Like, pond water?" asked Pope, clearly confused by the concept. To be fair, looking for water on the property of a murderous old lady sounded much harder than anything they had done so far in this search. Including all of the fights... and stealing the drone was pretty tough, too.

"Bong water?" JJ contributed which led to Alisha smacking him on the arm.

"Be serious, dumbass," she scolded, rolling her eyes at the boy. Norman chuckled slightly, but a glare from Alisha shut him up right away. "God, men can't take anything seriously."

"I hear ya," Kie muttered.

John B shook his head, getting frustrated, "No, it- it just said look for water, okay?"

Kie sighed, "That's the shittiest secret message ever."

"You wanna complain a little bit more, Kie?" the boy said with a sigh as they began walking once again, "Nobody said this was gonna be easy. Here let's split up, Norman, come with me. We'll take the Southeast quadrant. Alisha, go with Kie."

Facing the house seemed a little less terrifying with John B by his side, but rumors aside he was still afraid. Something about breaking and entering didn't sit right with him -- even if at the moment they were just traipsing around the yard. A chill went down his spine as he looked up at the old, daunting structure. A bird squawked nearby, causing Norman to jump ever so slightly. As he did, John B reached over and wrapped his fingers around his wrist ever so gently.

"I didn't peg you for a scaredy cat," the boy teased, but Norman just scoffed and pulled his wrist away so he could cross his arms.

"I'm not, sheesh. Just keep going," Norman tried his best to play it off, but he had a feeling the boy could see right through him. He didn't care though, he was always good at pretending. The boy rolled his eyes but stepped forward to observe something. "What'd you find?"

"Look, it's some sort of door," he looked at the latch on a small wooden door before turning to call to the others, "Hey, psst! Hey, come on, it's the only place we haven't looked! All right, here we go."

John B turned on his flashlight as he pulled away the wooden the doors, climbing through with a courage Norman had no idea how to have. He was practically shaking as he followed the boy through the doors. Yet still, he followed him always. Maybe he was an idiot. Scratch that, he was certainly an idiot. The flashlight shined on what looked to be a basement that was looked like its main purpose was storage and nothing else. It certainly wasn't as haunting and scary as the house was made out to be, but then again, they hadn't been there very long.

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now