07. Let's Ride

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Walking back to John B's house, Norman resented himself for being unable to stop thinking about the way John B had kissed him. Maybe he was a fool for thinking that there was even a possibility having anything with a boy could be okay, but a fool he would be if it meant he could kiss John B again. No, he had to get his head on straight. Literally. This was a dangerous way of thinking and he knew it was going to bite him in the ass. He didn't like John B, not in that way. Hell, they barely liked each other at all. They were still mortal enemies as far as Norman was concerned, they had simply called a truce. Part of him wondered what they would be like now if they had started off as friends. Maybe things would be different. Norman almost wished they were.

"I think my friends were right," John B said with a sigh as they looked upon the completely ransacked and destroyed house. "Maybe I need to let it go, move on. I think... I think I'm gonna start cleaning up my dad's stuff."

"If you really, like genuinely think he's alive, John B," Norman started, not sure when they stopped talking to each other like they were enemies, "you shouldn't give up. It's only denial if you're wrong, right?"

John B chuckled, a small sigh leaving his lips, "That's what I always say, my friends think I'm a dumbass for it."

The boy only shrugged in response, "You are a dumbass, but if you wanna keep looking for your dad, go for it. Do you have like... any food in this house that isn't three-day old pizza?" He grimaced as he lifted the lid of one of the pizza boxes, the smell hitting his nose immediately. "Ugh, how do you live like this?"

"Not all of us live in a mansion with maids and personal chefs," John B said with a scoff as he began to gather up as much trash as he could and toss it into bins outside.

"My mom cooks, actually!" Norman yelled as the boy walked out of the front door. He saw John B shake his head, laughing disapprovingly. He ignored him, instead, walking to the kitchen where he had stood just the day before. It was surreal to think about how much had happened in just two days. With a sigh, he started looking through the cabinets for something to eat. He was starving so he didn't care what John B wanted, he was making food. Finally, he found a box of mac and cheese that could be split between the two. While John B threw out the trash and started cleaning up the house, he searched for a pot and turned on the oven.

"Are you fucking cooking right now?" John B asked as he came back into the house, leaning against the doorway that led into the kitchen.

"Dude, I'm fucking hungry!" Norman argued, "It's mac and cheese I'll split it with you, but only if you're nice! I swear to God, I do so much for you."

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now