19. Bad Idea

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That was how they ended up on the ruins of what had probably once been a strong fort, overlooking the coast and confused as ever. Alisha seemed even more annoyed at being along for the ride, but she had asked for this and it wasn't Norman's fault if she was confused. He tried to hide this part of his life as of late from his friends precisely because of situations like this. Their "inner circle" was getting too big, too fast.

Looking down at the map, Pope tried his best to make sense of things, "We're in Battery here, so if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here."

"Somewhere over there?" Kie asked as she pointed to the middle of nowhere. Helpful, as always.

Pope nodded, "Right."

"Over there?" JJ questioned, sounding annoyed, "Guys that's a subdivision, that's not Tannyhill."

"Tannyhill Plantation was the whole island," John B explained, "It got sold into smaller pieces over time."

"So, we're just looking for an old stone wall," Pope observed.

Norman scoffed, "Great, that narrows it down so much."

"Dude, shut up," John B retorted, shooting the boy a glare. Clearly, he still held some feelings of resentment from Norman's outburst earlier which was irritating. Understandable, but irritating.

The dark-skinned boy shook his head, lifting up the map to show Norman, "Nah, it actually does narrow it down, look. We know the general area of it because it's marked right there. We just need to find out which of our roads can get us there."

"Oh, that is much easier than I thought," the boy shrugged as he looked at the markings on the map, "Sick, let's get on the road then."

"Can we like just drop me off? I'm way too confused and also... it's cold," Alisha cut in with an annoyed tone, "Rocky, I love you, but I'm not down for the weird treasure hunt stuff."

"Typical rich bitch," JJ muttered under his breath to which the short girl glared at him. Immediately the blond raised his hands in surrender, "Sorry, sorry."

"Damn straight," Alisha shot back as she crossed her arms, "So... do I seriously have to stick around?"

Norman sighed, "It's like... insanely out of our way. You can't just stick around for one day... for me?"

"You can't pull the fucking "for me?" card that's so mean! Now I have to say yes!" she exclaimed in frustration, but there was a sort of softness to her tone that gave away the fact that she wasn't as angry as she wanted them to think she was. After a moment of Norman clearly not budging, she sighed, "All right, fine. Let's go, I guess. Is this really what poor people do for fun?"

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now