12. Falling Into Place

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The next day, Norman received another phone call. Normally he hated talking on the phone, but he supposed if he was friends with the Pogues he would have to get used to them. He expected it to be from John B, but Norman couldn't bear to speak with him after yesterday's events. It was too complicated now, too confusing. However, as he looked at the caller ID, it was a call from Kie.

"Hey, what's up?" he spoke as casually as possible as he picked up the phone, arms crossed as he stared out his window at the waves crashing against the shore. He knew she was probably calling to come to pick him up for whatever they were getting into today, but he didn't know if he had the heart for it today. The treasure hunt could definitely carry on without him and if things were messed up with John B, there was no reason for him being there. It wasn't like he was actually friends with any of them. He was pretty sure JJ had it out for him, but he could live with that.

"So... I went surfing with John B and the boys yesterday and uh, I brought up the time John B kissed me and --" Norman didn't know why he was listening to this, but he let her continue anyway, "And you know what he told me? You guys kissed. Not once, not twice, but three times! Who was going to tell me this? I'm normally so good at sensing that shit, but you guys were right under my nose this whole time!"

Norman's eyes widened as he choked on nothing the moment those words left Kie's mouth. He tried to cover it up with a cough, but really he was just attempting to regain his composure. With a choked-up voice, Norman spoke into the phone, "I'm sorry... what? I have no recollection of any events ever taking place I think John B is... on drugs. On drugs."

"If I was with you right now I would smack you upside the head, you absolute dumbass!" she exclaimed, "I have an amazing gaydar, but I did not count on you and John B! I had to know there was a reason he kept inviting you. Not that I'm mad he kept inviting you, you're actually really cool for a Kook."

"Thanks?" he tried to say, but one thing stuck with him, "Also, gaydar isn't real, Kie. If gaydar was real and any of us were going to have it, it would be me."

"It's real when you're actually gay," Kie scoffed and although Norman did a double-take in person, he didn't say anything. "Just tell me what's going on with you guys so it doesn't get in the way of this stupid treasure hunt! He told me you literally ran away after he kissed you yesterday! What the fuck is going on?"

Norman sighed before admitting, "I've never had a crush on a boy before! And I'm scared! I'm absolutely fucking terrified, Kiara! Also, I know John B is confused, too, and two confused people entering something they don't quite understand is literally the worst idea known to mankind."

"You really have feelings for him, don't you?" Kie asked after a beat of silence, her voice calmer and more pensive than it had been before. Clearly, something had struck her that made her sober up from the initial bewilderment.

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now