09. Saying Yes

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Waking up with Alisha next to him was not a new thing, but it felt weird now. There was a rift between them after last night and after yesterday as a whole. After his words in the car, he refused to say a word for the rest of the night, and Alisha didn't force him to tell her anything. It was like she could see how hard it was for him to say and decided that was enough. As they began a new day, however, those rules no longer applied.

"So... when you say might, are you saying...?" she hesitated as the boy sat up with a yawn and a groan. She trailed off, judging his mood. It was obvious she had been awake much longer than he had judging by the mug most likely filled with coffee on the nightstand and her phone in her hand. She had always been an early rise and a chronic overthinker, so he expected this.

"I'm not saying anything besides what came out of my mouth already," he explained with a tone blunt enough to halt any questions but soft enough she knew he wasn't mad at her. "I really don't wanna talk about it right now, okay? Is that okay?"

She nodded, "Of course it's okay. Take all the time you need. Maybe its best you kind of... ugh, I don't know... stay away from him for a bit? Just to clear your mind? I can tell you from firsthand experience, figuring out your sexuality with a fling getting in the way is tough. Just take some time for yourself and figure things out on your own, you know?"

Norman sighed as he shook his head, "I am not figuring anything out."

"Not with that attitude," Alisha shrugged, grabbing the mug off of the nightstand and handing it to him, "Here, I made you one when I went downstairs to clean mine out."

"How long have you been awake?" he asked as he looked down at the mug and took a sip.

"Long enough to hear you moan about John B in your sleep," she said with a small laugh, eyeing his horrified expression before saying, "I'm kidding, you've never talked in your sleep. I've been up for a while, though, you know me. I just went downstairs and chatted with your mom for a bit. She asked where you were last night and I covered your ass, you're welcome. If she asks you were out with James and his car died so I went to get you home."

"Thanks," he said with a nod and a measly smile, "Sorry for being an asshole last night. I didn't wanna tell you who I was with because I didn't know if you'd judge me for it. Also, I know you kinda hate JJ, but he's actually kind of chill. When he's stoned, at least."

She shrugged, "I'm sure he's fine when he's not drunk and armed. He was pretty chill actually, up until then. I wouldn't have judged you, Rocky. I know you have a history with John B and after what James did, I know there really wasn't anywhere else to go."

"I didn't plan on it, for what it's worth," he explained as best he could, "We just... ran into each other. We called a truce, but I called it off at the end of last night."

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