38. The Last Goodbye

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The two boys raced through the suburbs like their lives depended on it, which, they kind of did. Now that was a terrifying thought to have. Stopping behind a truck to catch their breath, John B peeked around the corner to see Shoupe addressing the crowd and them dispersing for the most part. John B reached into the bed of the truck and pulled out a crowbar.

"John B, what are you gonna do with that thing?" Norman muttered in a whisper-yell, his eyes wide. "The second you're at least kind of armed, things will get a hell of a lot worse for you."

The boy looked concerned, but he didn't put the crowbar back, "With Rafe searching for me, I don't wanna be empty-handed. Besides, I don't plan on using this on anyone, just wait."

With that, he waited until Rafe and Kelce weren't looking before tossing the crowbar in the opposite direction, leading the boys astray. Huh, so maybe John B was smarter about things than Norman thought he was. He had to stop underestimating him. The car alarm of the truck across the street went off, giving the two boys enough time to run away from the gathering crowd that was participating in the manhunt. They ran through the trees, but John B stopped so immediately that Norman crashed directly into his back.

"What? What's wrong?" Norman asked, "Do you see someone?"

The boy shook his head and Norman realized what he was looking at. Up ahead, there looked to be an abandoned building. John B breathed a sigh of relief, "There. We'll be safe for a while."

Norman nodded and they picked up speed again. They ran towards the old building, but once again as they approached it, John B stopped in his tracks.

"Dude, you have got to start warning me," Norman sighed, a hand resting on John B's shoulder from behind, "What's wrong?"

"The light's on," John B pointed out, "I don't know who else knows about this place besides..."

The sirens passing by cut him off and John B looked from Norman back to the building before saying with bated breath, "We don't have another choice, come on, let's go."

They ran towards the building, John B pushing the door open as the two boys crawled underneath the plank that was supposed to be boarding the door up. It was an old church, Norman realized. He wondered how or why John B knew this was here and knew how to get into it, but those would be questions for later when they weren't being chased by police. John B nodded towards a ladder that seemed to lead into an attic of sorts, climbing up as he made sure Norman hopped on behind him.

"I guess you were going to meet my special place eventually..." John B muttered, "Come on, just up here."

He pushed up a trap door that led them into the attic of the church. He helped Norman up before closing the door behind them. They took a deep breath and Norman let his shoulders drop for just a moment. However, the relief was short-lived as there was soon a rattling and thumping on the trap door. John B picked up the closest thing to him -- a candlestick -- while Norman hid behind him. The door finally opened as a flashlight beam flooded the room, revealing Sarah.

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now