Chapter Eleven

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That was how Pamela found them when she finally came down to the kitchen. With Sheila eating breakfast prepared by Cody. He was seated next to her with bacon, warm milk and something creamy in front of him. A surge of something she doesn't know passed through her at this scene. Why were they together? When did she get here? Why did he prepare breakfast for her? All these questions raced through her mind as that feeling she doesn't know continued to grow.

"Hey, I prepared breakfast for you. I was just about bringing it up to your room" Cody said and stood up. And just like that,those questions and that unknown feeling disappeared. She smiled brightly and went to sit in front of the food.

Cody was perplexed. Did she just smile at him? Pamela Anderson smiled at him? Of course that couldn't be true. He shook his head and cleared that weird thought from his mind. But she did something else that scared him more.

"Why, thank you Cody" she said and took a bite off the bacon.



He turned to look at Sheila and she into turn looked at him. Did they hit their head against something. Why did Pamela smile at him and even thank him? Or maybe they're both having the same dream? At that moment, Pamela hit Sheila excitedly and she realized she really wasn't dreaming. Cody also pinched his thighs and saw he wasn't dreaming too.

"So Dave will be coming to see me today. He said he'd plan the most romantic date I could ever think of" she said excitedly.

It took a while for Sheila to get over what happened early, so she squealed in happiness a little too late,causing Pamela to frown a little. Why did she and Cody look a little dazed just now? As if on cue, her phone started ringing and it was Dave calling.

"Hey, you're good?"
"Yeah, I am"
"Can you be ready in half an hour's time?"
"I can" she squealed, then turned to look at Sheila.
"Can Sheila come along?" Sheila turned too look at her sharply.
"What are you doing?" She mouthed at her.
"Uhmm, sure she can." Dave said
"See you in 30 minutes time then." He said and the line went dead.

"Why would you take me along to your 'most romantic' date" Sheila pounced on her once she set her phone down.

"I just wanted to take you along. I feel like since I started dating Dave this past 2 months, I haven't spent as much time with you. Besides, I'm not sure this is the 'most romantic' date he was talking about"

"But I will be the third wheel"

As they were arguing, Cody was standing there quietly praising God in his heart. God really does love his children. The moment Dave comes for her, he can go back home and sleep till thy kingdom comes. He thought as a creepy smile slowly crept onto his face.

"Oh Cody, you should get ready too. You have to come protect me" Uhm, why did he have that creepy smile on his face? Weird.  She thought and shook her head.

"Sure, I will" He can finally go and slee...Wait, what?He was coming along too? But why?? He said it, and will say it again, this girl finds joy in torturing people. He's sure one of his ancestors did something that caused him to be cursed. And he Cody, is the one receiving the full curse. Because working for this girl is really a curse.

So after 25 minutes, the three of them were dresses and sitting at the hall waiting for Dave.


"Okay, why are we four now?" Dave asked as he looked into the rear view mirror. He doesn't understand why his girlfriend was sitting at the back with her bodyguard and her best friend was sitting beside him rather. Why would she need protection in a car?

"I told you, Cody is coming along to protect me. And I've realized that this past 2 months, I haven't spent as much time with Sheila because of you so I want her to come along." She answered with a smile on her.

Soon they got to their destination. It was the beach. Pamela hates the sea water. Doesn't Dave know? It makes her body itchy. Sheila is the one who loves the beach.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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