rivals to lovers || headcanon - cloud

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Slytherclaw700 asked: can you do a cloud x reader rivals to lovers pls 😳😳

he doesn't hate you, he just finds you incredibly annoying. you're much too cocky and bubbly for his tastes, almost arrogant with the way you go about things, and he thinks that's the worst type of person he could ever possibly interact with. he doesn't particularly want to engage in your rivalry, although he unintentionally finds himself going along with it.

he starts to like you more after you save him from a particularly dicey situation. it was an unexpected attack, and he was caught completely off guard, and if it wasn't for you he likely would have only just made it out with countless cuts, bruises and nasty gashes. when he thanks you, albeit reluctantly, he's surprised at how humble you are, even more surprised when you say "that's just what friends do".

he doesn't realise he has a crush on you until marlene points it out. he's staring at you as you interact with jessie, wedge and biggs, and can't help but think that you fit in like a lost puzzle piece, and the idea of losing you hurts him all of a sudden. he can't stop the blush that shoots up his neck and swallows his pale cheeks when marlene asks if you're together, and is too flustered to respond when marlene insists you must be - "you look like you love a lot! more than just friends!"

it's tifa that eventually convinces him to express his feelings to you, and she's also the one who gets the two of you trapped in a corner so he has no choice but to admit his feelings for you. his hands are unusually clammy, and the words keep getting caught in his throat, and he's never felt more nervous in his life as he waits for you response. it's overwhelming when you tell him you return those feelings, and all he can say is, "ok. good."

he soon finds his feet in the relationship though, and he blossoms in it. he's grateful for marlene and tifa for helping him alone, because being with you is one of the best things imaginable, and you make him feel whole. when he stares at you now and marlene giggles, he just smiles knowingly back at the girl, goes over to you and tells you he loves you.

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