geostigma || headcanon - reno

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anonymous asked: Hello I'm the anon that requested the angst and fluff headcanons for Reno. And I'm sorry it wasn't clear before. But yes I was thinking about something angsty with some fluff at the end. What if the Reno's s/o had Geostima and before Advent children events?

he hates seeing you this way. so weak and exhausted from fighting off the geostigma, your skin tainted with dark sores and black discoloration. some days you can't even summon enough energy to eat and drink, and he has to help you sit up and drink so you can at least have something in the hopes of giving you a bit of energy.

he spends most of his days tirelessly searching for a cure, pouring over random books he finds and keeping up with the latest breakthroughs in the disease. he desperately wants to find a cure for you, he misses your energy and enthusiasm for life, and now it seems you're nothing but a husk of your former self.

he's not afraid of the geostigma. he knows it's not contagious, he'd have caught it by now if it was, and he spends a lot of his time where he's not caring for you helping others who have the disease and are shunned because of it. he knows it's what you would want most, and what you would do if you didn't have it and were able to get up and moving.

the good days you have though are amazing. he loves it when he sees you get out of bed, it gives him hope. he'll take you anywhere you want to go, shielding you from those who shun people with geostigma. he'll spoil you rotten, and at the end of the night he'll cuddle you on the couch, watch any cheesy romance you want to watch and smother you with affection.

he knows how rough this is for you, and will stick with you on your bad days and your good days. he doesn't want you to feel alone, and will do absolutely anything for you to make your life that little bit better. he'll stick with you through thick and thin, and will do until he sees you healthy and happy once more.

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