two in one || scenario - vincent valentine

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anonymous asked: hi !! could i ask for a fluff scenario for vincent please? ;v ; like, he and the reader are traveling and they need to make a stop for the night, but both of them have huuuuge crushes on each other and (gasp) /there was only one bed/ !! thank u so much ! ♥

Your body feels like it ways a thousand-pounds as you stumble into the inn just behind Vincent, your feet aching from the leather of your shoes rubbing against your skin, and your eyes stinging from exhaustion. Vincent has already made it to the desk where the innkeeper stands before you have even made it in through the door, and it slams shut with the force of the gale outside. The innkeeper's brow is furrowed as he studies his book, finger tracing down the list of names beside rooms. As you trudge up behind Vincent, the innkeeper raises his head and shakes it.

"I'm afraid we only have one room, sir, with one bed."

"Do you have a mat we can borrow for the floor?"

"I'm afraid not sir."

Vincent's heart thuds wildly in his chest. He knows that logically one of you will take the bed, most likely you, and the other will have to endure the hard wooden floor for the night, but the prospect of there just being one bed is enough to make him blush. The two of you have shared rooms before, but with two separate beds, and although it makes his heart skip a beat and his stomach tingle with anticipation to see you in such an intimate state of relaxation, this somehow seems different.

"Fine." He slings some Gil onto the innkeeper's book. "We'll take it."

The innkeeper's face morphs from practiced sympathy to a knowing smile, which Vincent misses, but you don't. Your heard is pounding wildly, and for the briefest second you're worried Vincent can hear it when he casts a glance at you over his shoulder, but the logical part of your brain tells you it's just to check you're there, heart soaring at the prospect of him being worried about you. Without a doubt, you'll find a way to make sure Vincent has the bed, whether it be by himself or sharing with you. He'd had a particularly close encounter with a Wolfmeister earlier than day, after you'd been unable to move your sluggish body out of the way in time, and even if he didn't accept it as an award, he'd surely take it as a thank you.

You accept the key from the innkeeper, slowly leading the way up to the stairs. Second floor, third door on the left. The inn has certainly seen a number of years, that's evident enough by the worn down wooden floors and the door that has nearly fallen off of its hinges, and you briefly wonder if it has fallen off its hinges, and has just been temporarily slotted into place. Relief floods through you when you see your door, and you fumble with the key for a moment before you open it, leading the way inside. The two of you abandon your light baggage on one side of the room, propping your weapons carefully up against the wall so that they're ready at a moment's notice.

A pregnant pause is looming above you both as you turn to look at the bed in unison, and Vincent is the one to break the silence as he clears his throat.

"You take the bed. I'll be fine on the floor."

"No, no! You take it. You deserve it after saving me today. To be honest, I don't think it'll matter whether I'm on the bed or the floor - I'll be passing out straight away."

"It's best to be comfortable if you're that exhausted."

"No! Really, you take it. As a thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, it's what anyone would do."

"No, no, really, I insist!"

The two of you stare at each, a stale mate, neither willing rescind, both determined to get your way. After a moment's silence, you sigh.

"We could always share."

Vincent's heart leaps into his throat at your proposal, and he almost chokes, eyes widening a fraction as he stares at you, seemingly unfazed by what you just said. Unbeknownst to him, however, you're screaming at yourself, fighting off the embarrassment and humiliation, desperately trying to not seem flustered or weird. The two of you are in another silent stand off, and you want to cry at your foolishness - what the hell made you think he'd agree to something like that?



You want to kick yourself at how dumb you sound, but he smiles gently, ignoring his pounding heart.

"If we can't come to an agreement, then sure. Let's share."

You nod dumbly, your heart doing flips, amazed at how willingly he agreed. For a moment you let yourself think, maybe there's a chance he has a crush on you, but even if that isn't true, for every inch he gives you'll run a mile.

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