asthma || headcanon - biggs and cloud strife

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anonymous asked: Can i request Cloud and/or Biggs dealing with a reader who has asthma but they literally refuse to quit and take proper precautions with their asthma. (Like still being energetic even tho their asthma is bad a certain time of year, or petting every animal on sight even though pet dander makes their asthma worst, not wanting to take breaks when they should, etc) (this is literally me lol and then i worry why my asthmas been so bad 😂😂)


he's overly cautious about things when he's around you, because he knows absolutely anything can trigger your asthma and he doesn't want you to suffer an asthma attack because you want to live life as normally as possible. he worries about you a hell of a lot, and always has a close eye on you.

sometimes it frustrates him when he sees you being so reckless about your health, and he'll continuously remind you that you have asthma and you need to be careful. if he seems angry at you it's purely because he's truly concerned about you and doesn't want your asthma to worsen.

he'll be the one to make sure you take the proper precautions, and if that means he has to make sure your house is clear of dust and dirt that could potentially trigger your asthma, then he'll willingly clean it top to bottom. he knows it hard to resist animals, especially wedge's cats, but he begs you to not touch them or go near them.


although he doesn't express it as openly as biggs or some others may do, cloud is incredibly concerned about you and your health. he's seen your worst reactions, and he's afraid that it may happen again, and that's the last thing he wants to happen.

whenever he sees you about to touch a cute dog or a cat, he quickly intervenes and makes sure you stay clear of the fluffy animal. as adorable as it is, your health comes first, and he doesn't want you to have an asthma attack or suffer any other kind of allergic reactions because of it.

he always has some sort of medication for you on him, whether it be simple allergy tablets or an inhaler to help you. it's at the forefront of his mind all the time, and he always keeps an eye on you. whether it be during a fight or during day to day life he'll always find himself casting lingering looks in your direction.

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