dating a turk || headcanon - rufus shinra

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anonymous asked: Hi there! I love your writing and was wondering if you could write something for rufus date a turk reader

initially, rufus was reluctant to enter a relationship with someone who works so diligently for his father's cause. whereas he wants to see shinra succeed, he doesn't agree with his father's twisted ambitions, and resents anyone who works for shinra so willingly. but when he starts to work with you as you relay information you have gathered to him and other senior members of shinra, he starts to realise that perhaps you're not as bad as he thought. you're just doing his job, and he respects your dedication to shinra.

it takes a while, but he eventually gives into the nervous excitement of love, and he knows its the best decision he could have ever made. he discovers your true intentions, your wish to provide for your family and give them a good life, your desire to see the world at peace - your belief that shinra might be the one to do that. he admires your confidence in him and shinra, and he's thrilled when you express your trust in him to deliver the future you so desire.

he tries to shield you as much as possible from the evil doings of his father and the corrupt seniors. he hates that you have to go out on missions that just contribute to the corruption, and feels guilty that you don't know the full extent of the manipulation shinra is conducting. he holds you close at night, because he fears that you'll succumb to their evil propaganda.

you help soften him. he's not as vengeful or angry after he starts dating you. he realises just how truly precious life is, and he can't quite believe how willingly you put your trust into him. rufus hasn't felt love like this in a long, long time, and it makes him entirely forget his hostile relationship with his father. he doesn't need his father's approval, or anyone's approval for that matter, because it's your opinion and your love that matter the most to him.

you're the first person he seeks out after the downfall of shinra. his near death experience has grounded him entirely, and he realises that you're undoubtedly the one for him. even though his body has been crippled beyond relief, and he's not as able bodied anymore, he's thankful for you, and proposes. he's glad you're a turk, it makes it easier for him to work with the turks, but most of all he's glad because he knows that even if he can't protect you, the friends you love so much, now his friends, will protect you too.

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