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Xavier was late to church.

He was usually never this careless until he laid his eyes on her.

She was moving the boxes into her house yet he felt transfixed to her beauty.

How calm and carefree she looked.

Xavier was aware of the missed calls from his parents but he didn't seem to care. He had never felt anything like this before and didn't know how to act.

All he knew was he couldn't stop staring.

He watched as she took her long brunette hair down from the band and was mesmerised by the way it framed her face. Xavier was unsure of why he was acting like this, he never usually paid attention to the girls in his town until she came. He knew he would be seeing more of this beauty and couldn't help being so excited.

She stopped moving boxes and headed inside to her new house. This brought Xavier out of his daydream and into reality. He was ready for church dressed in his suit his parents made him wear every Sunday and he knew he should have been there over an hour ago now.

Xavier sprinted out of the house and into his car that his parents let him have for essential journeys only but not before taking a glance at his neighbours house where he knew she was. He then dazedly made his way to the church hoping he hadn't missed too much.

By the time he got there, his parents were outside looking ready to scold Xavier for his lateness. He knew he deserved it but couldn't find it within himself to feel guilt.

"Xavier I can't believe how much of an embarrassment you are to this family!" His mom continued to banish insults at her only son as his dad glanced at him with disappointment in his eyes.

"I know mom I promise it won't happen again" Xavier stated even though he knows it will.


First chapter wooo! I'm gonna try update as regularly as I can because I want to finish this quite soon. Thanks for reading! Give your opinion on it so far in the comments!
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- Ari x

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