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Xavier never though he would wake up with his arms around a girl. Especially a girl who he has become very fond with.

As he looked down at Alexia peacefully sleeping, he felt grateful for her and everything she had showed him.

He knew that if he had never met her, he would probably be reading a book right now and still be oblivious to all the sins he had recently committed.

Xavier was taken out of his thoughts by Alexia shifting in his arms. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled once she saw him looking directly at her.

"Morning" she said in a croaky morning voice.

"Good morning" he replied back smiling brightly at her.

Alexia leaned up and placed her hands on either side of his face and pulled him in for a kiss.

She allowed his lips to settle against her own and he then kissed back with as much passion and love as he could deliver.

Every time he kissed her, she could feel every ounce of love and every emotion he also feels.

It's like their lips are meant to be pressed together all the time because of how well they fit.

He then pulled away and pressed his forehead to hers, "I love you so much Alexia."

"I love you so much Xavier" she said with a giggle, both not even minding how corny the two of them can be.

It's crazy that if Alexia's parents hadn't moved, they both wouldn't have met.

But as they say, things happen for a reason.

The end


thanks for reading and I'm so grateful for 4k reads!!! That's crazy!!!! Thank you!!!! (Also sorry for short chapter)
- Ari x

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