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Xavier woke up to Alexia knocking on his window.

He grudgingly got out of bed to see what was happening and was welcomed to her smiling face. He smiled back instantly and she opened her window to talk.

Xavier also opened his window to speak to her, "Hey, you taking me on that date soon?" She said jokingly.

He suddenly widened his eyes in fright that he hadn't figured out when or where this date would happen. It's been all he could think about but he kind of forgot he was the one taking her not the other way round.

"Uh y-yeah of course" he said obviously lying. "I was thinking we could go to that new restaurant down town tonight at 8?" Alexia stated knowing full well that he hadn't thought that far about it yet.

"That sounds great, I was hoping you wouldn't notice my unpreparedness" He said.

"It's hard not to" she cheekily smiled at him and shut her window not without giving him a wink before she walked away.

Xavier felt nervous but excited about this date and knew he had to look as good as he could for it.

He noticed it was 10am which meant he had a while and didn't need to start getting ready until around 6, he still had to shower and style his hair.

He was freaking out about it though and wasn't sure whether to go smart or casual. He knew the restaurant was quite posh but wasn't sure what style Alexia would go for.

He could feel a wave of anxiety flow over him and quickly calmed himself down before it could get worse.

He couldn't miss this date.

Time flew by whilst Xavier spent his time watching tv and overthinking.

He checked his watch and realised it was 6:30pm. The perfect time to start getting ready.

He firstly started by having a shower and thoroughly washed himself to smell as good as he could. Impressing Alexia was the main subject on his mind.

He then dried himself off and carefully put his outfit on. This consisted of a posh shirt and trousers. He figured he would play it safe and not go with a suit but it was still quite a smart shirt.

By the time he was done sorting his self out, it was 8.

Xavier speedily ran around the house making sure he grabbed his jacket and keys and headed out to collect Alexia for the date.

He knocked on the door and a few seconds later, Alexia answered.

Xavier was speechless. She was wearing a gorgeous long dress that was classy but in a sexy way. Her makeup was done to perfection as was her hair.

Xavier hadn't said a word for about a minute now. He was stood at her doorstep gaping like a fish at her.

He just couldn't believe how stunning she looked.


It's here!!! This whole book is cheesy and a mess I'm sorry lol, give me your feedback though pls :)
Thanks for reading
- Ari x

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