Chapter 9. The Govenor.

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Paiges POV 1 week later

Its been a week and Carol is still gone. A lot has been going on. Rick has been talking to a man called ' The Governor and almost half of the people here are sick with the flu of some type. People are dying from it, but mostly the people from woodbury that we brought back. And if Daryl don't get back with the medicine soon, more people are going to die.

I walked down to cell-block A, that's where their keeping the sick, and looked through the glass window. Lizzy walked up to the window and smiled. I feel so bad cause i little girl shouldn't have to be going through this. " hey Paige." She said and coughed. " Hey sweety, how ya feeling?" i asked and she sat down in a chair. " I don't feel much better but Hershel has been giving everyone tea, but i hope Daryl comes back with the medicine soon" she sighed and coughed again. I Sighed " He will, i promise."

This sickness all started from a boy name patrick.Ever since I've been treating Lizzy and Mika as they were my own, well i did promise their dad...


i heard a scream and ran to the main area. Beth was fighting off walkers. i grabbed my knife and stuck it in ones head. "EVERYONE OUT OF THE PRISON!" Rick yelled and everyone ran out. I ran outside and didn't see lizzy or Mika. I ran back inside and up to their cell. What's i saw made tears come to my eyes. " Paige, can we help him?" Lizzy asked while holding her dads hand. He had a big bite in his neck. Mika ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Girls you know we cant help him." I said and Lizzy got up. " My girls, im so sorry i had to go like this right in front of you. i am so proud of you. you are going to beat this world. you girls are so strong and i love you." their dad said as they sat by him. " I love you too daddy." they said and a tear ran down my face. " And paige, take care of my girls. take them in as your own, they love you, so i trust you." I nodded and he stopped moving. " girls go outside the cell." they did as i said and i was left alone. I kneeled down by him and got out my gun. I aimed it at his head. " I promise." i said and i pulled the trigger.


I walked to my cell and a pair of arms wrapped round my waist. I smiled and kissed Carl on the cheek. I laid down and sighed today has been a long day. Carl laid down beside me and wrapped his arm around me. " I love you." he said and kissed me. " i love you too."

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