Chapter 2: Stopping Oppression

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Goku POV

After finishing my training with Whis, I headed back home, using Instant Transmission to teleport to Mt. Paozu. I was excited to see Goten again and show him my new power. Ever since he was young, he always looked up to me and was really focused on training, just like me!

I knew I had missed quite a bit of his life, so I wanted to make up for it. Goten's birthday was coming up and I was planning to spend the whole week with him, doing whatever he wanted to do and much more. I had done this with Gohan as well and I wasn't going to miss any of my sons' lives.

Little did I know... was that things were about to change drastically, and not for the better.

I stepped up to the door and the moment I did so, I knew something felt wrong. I sensed Goten's ki and it felt panicked, scared, wanting something bad to end.

My eyes widened as I realised that Goten could be hurt so I slammed the door open, running into Goten's room with dread coursing through my body. I expected so many things, but this was not one of them.

Goten's arms, legs and neck were strapped to the bed by some kind of ki-dampener, and there I saw it... Chichi. My own wife and mother of our children was hurting Goten with a hot metal rod and slapping him with it.


I didn't let her finish her sentence. I heard enough. With my ki rising, I threw the straps off of Goten like the garbage they were and held Chichi's arm tightly, almost breaking it. How could she have done something like this?! What did he do to deserve this?!

My aura flared and I glared at her dangerously, a low growl forming in my throat, "I won't stand for this Chichi."

To my surprise, Chichi still had the guts to scoff at me, "What? Are you going to attack me?"

That was the last straw.

I slammed Chichi to the wall, causing cracks on it.

"Goten." I stated, not tearing my eyes off of my wife, "Can you still fly?"

Goten nodded shakily, "Good, then head to Gohan's whilst I take care of your mother."

I knew Goten was scared through his whimpering and his ki, which was abnormally low for him, but he soon ran out the door and flew off, leaving me with Chichi still pinned to the wall.

"How could you do that to him!!??" I yelled, my voice soon having a demonic echo to it. Somehow, Chichi still had the audacity to answer back, "That boy's too much like you. I'm just trying to fix him."

"Fix him!!??" I bellowed, unable to contain my rage, "Do you need a dictionary? Because your definition of 'fix' is not what's in there. Knowing you, you probably did this with Gohan when he was a kid as well. You led me to believe that you actually CARED!! You lied to me! You harmed my sons!"

"They're my sons too, y'know! I can do what I want with them!"

"Not anymore! I want a divorce, I want nothing more to do with you! I'll make sure I have full custody over Goten and make sure your abusive hands don't get anywhere NEAR my boys."

I dropped the pitiful excuse of a wife to the ground, walking away and slamming the door in the process, which I could tell had some cracks on it. After calming down, I headed over to Gohan and Videl's house where Goten was sitting on the couch with some bruises on his arms and wounds from the rod on his back. How could Chichi harm our - no - my son like this? It didn't make sense!

"Goten?" I whispered, "Are you okay?"

Goten shook his head and I walked over to him and hugged him, rubbing circles around his scarred back, "No one's going to hurt you anymore, I promise."


"I... I don't understand." I stated, still coming to terms with the situation, "Why would she do this?"

Goten hiccuped in my arms, "M-Mom was a-angry at you... for *hic* leaving us and she... she pushed that an-anger onto me. She... She tried to turn me i-into her and... and..."

"Shhh." I hushed Goten, "It's alright, you don't need to explain anymore."

Soon, Gohan walked into the room, confused as to what was going on.

"Dad? What happened? What's up with Goten?" he asked, and I could tell he was worried and fearing the worst had happened.

"Did she do this to you, Gohan?" I ask simply. My eldest son looked at the ground, realising what had transpired and nodded sadly. I quickly motion for him to come over, which he did, and I pulled both of them into a hug, giving a quiet sob as I did so.

I was such an idiot! How could I have not noticed what was going on? Why didn't they say anything? Was it because of Chichi? I soon promised myself and them that I would protect them no matter what.

Later that week, we filed for divorce and I got full custody over Goten, but I let him stay at Gohan's since they would be able to provide for him better than I could. As for my living accommodations, Bulma got me a capsule home so I could live wherever I wanted to, but I decided to live as close as I could to Mt. Paozu without getting too close to her. I managed to find a spot near a waterfall and placed my house there.

I lived alone, the only company I actually had was when Goten began visiting me or I began visiting him to check if he was okay. I got full support from all of my friends, including Vegeta, but it had been a while since I actually lived alone and I felt... well, alone.

That was until someone decided to change my life forever.

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