Chapter 13: Dangers Explained

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-Age 782-

One minute. That's how long it took to overpower Cumber, Kamin and Oren. To Goku and Jiren, they only gave them a quick warm-up at most. They had been training as much as they could in their free time and it showed. They weren't called 'The Strongest Mortals in the Multiverse' for nothing.

Jiren had just finished fighting Cumber, who was knocked unconscious by the Gray, and Goku had sent Kamin and Oren flying backwards.

"Oren!" Kamin called out, "Let's do it."

"Yeah, sis." Oren smirked, "Let's."

Holding hands, the two Tuffles were enveloped in a bright light, merging into one, more powerful being.

"Heh." Goku smirked, finding some excitement in this, "So what should I call you?"

"I'm the fusion of Kamin and Oren, so call me Kamioren."

Goku's tail soon unwrapped from his waist, twitching in euphoria, "Alright, Kamioren, bring it!"

Kamioren began the fight by firing multiple ki-blasts at the Earth-raised Saiyan, who dodged or blocked them all with ease. He soon retaliated by elbowing Kamioren in the gut, which didn't faze them as much as it did when they were two people, but it still hurt.

The fusion soon flew up and began to fire a large barrage of ki-blasts at Goku, who flew straight through them, coming up from behind Kamioren and slamming them to the ground with his tail.

"You might as well give up now. There's no point in us fighting anymore." Goku stated, knowing well that the Tuffle fusion had met their match.

"NO!" Kamioren yelled, regenerating from their wounds, "I am the strongest! I won't let you beat me!"

As the fight continued, the four Angels and Hearts seemed to have no worries or concerns regarding this outcome, and the Core Area Warriors leader seemed somewhat excited over this.

"These fighters are incredible!" Hearts exclaimed, "It's no wonder they're deemed the strongest."

Cukatail nodded, "Their power would deem useful to my father and the Universe Seed." he soon turned to Hearts, "Don't forget the plan."

"Yeah, I remember." Hearts smirked, turning to one of his friends, "Lagss!"


Lagss floated over, quickly teleporting the unconscious Cumber to Hearts and soon faced Jiren, with the Gray not seeming fazed by the woman.

"Well, this'll be fun." Lagss stated with little-to-no enthusiasm, snapping her fingers and summoning multiple shards of glass around her, aiming at Jiren.

"I suggest you leave now." Jiren narrowed his eyes, "You stand no chance against me."

"If you think I'll lie down, think again!" Lagss yelled, "Hearts' alliance with the Grand Priest is only the beginning for us, and I won't let you ruin his plans for a chance for freedom!"

The member of the Glass Tribe fired her shards of glass one by one, with Jiren punching through them with little difficulty. He then appeared in front of Lagss with a Power Impact in hand. The woman was briefly caught off-guard but she summoned a wall of glass the moment he fired his signature technique, causing a massive explosion. However, she wasn't left unscathed by that attack and suffered a few bruises.

Goku appeared back-to-back with Jiren, smirking as he faced his own opponent, "These guys are pretty strong. Good thing we spent a year in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, huh?"

"I guess." Jiren replied, "But if they've aligned with the Grand Priest, then this won't be as easy as we think it will be."

Goku solemnly nodded in agreement, and they both prepared to charge at their respective opponents, only to be stopped by a sudden increase in gravity, pulling them to the ground.

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