Chapter 18: Final Battle

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The Spirit Dragon charged at Hearts, ignoring all of the cubes that were being thrown at its direction. It fired a massive mouth beam that caused Hearts to stumble backwards in the air, allowing Goren to get the jump on him. He flared his blue and red aura, his fist glowing orange as he punched him in the gut, then using his tail to grab him by the neck and throw him to the ground. Hearts quickly charged at Goren, firing flurries of punches and kicks, but Goren immediately dodged and blocked them with ease, grabbing his head and throwing him into the distance.

As he flew, the Spirit Dragon coiled around Hearts, constricting him and making him unable to move. His eyes widened as red cracks began to form around the dragon. A growl formed in the beast as Goren's outstretched hand clenched.


With that single word, the Spirit Dragon exploded in a blinding flash of light, causing the entire area around them to crumble and the recovered Angels to retreat. The Grand Priest struggled slightly as he put up a shield. The sheer intensity of the explosion was enough to send anyone flying around an entire planet multiple times! Goren, however, narrowed his eyes, knowing well not to assume that the fight was over.

As the smoke from the explosion cleared, Hearts was shown in one of his own cubes, barely surviving the attack. He had bruises all over his body and was breathing heavily. Despite this, he didn't seem the least bit mad at all.

"Magnificent! I finally get a true challenge!" Hearts exclaimed, "Now then... shall we finish this?"

Goren didn't reply, his hands still glowing red as he got into Goku's familiar stance. Hearts raised his hand, and the fusion recognised what he was doing. Soon, the rubble around the area flew towards Hearts, forming yet another massive meteor above his head, this one much bigger than the last.

"Come now, Goren! Why don't you join my new utopia once it is finished?"

"Like hell I will!" Goren yelled, "You only care about yourself! I understand... knowing that the Omni-Kings could erase us at any time may be considered scary, but it is up to mortals to decide whether we are worthy of existing! It isn't mindless, it's judgement for those unable to uphold what the Zenos wish for!"

"Silence! You know nothing of what the Omni-Kings are capable of!" Hearts yelled angrily, "I was a part of those six that got erased years ago! When I become King of Everything and rule over my own universe, no one will have to live in fear! Peace will be restored!"

The meteor had grown dangerously large, causing Goren to quickly charge up the Kamehameha.

"Ka... me... ha... me..."

"Take solace, Goren! For when I rule, you shall be remembered as my greatest rival! So now... I bid you adieu!"

Hearts threw his God Meteor which was quickly beginning to burn up, signalling for Goren to finish this.


The beam went up in spirals of red and blue, hitting the meteor and causing a massive shockwave that even sent the Grand Priest and the fallen Attendants of the two Zenos backwards. Goren was pushed downwards onto what was left of the area, grunting as he struggled to push back the meteor. Even with the fusion, they were no match for the full power of Hearts. Was this it for them?

"Justice Flash!"

"Galick Gun!"

"Flash Fist Crush!"

Goren's eyes widened as he heard three familiar voices, then soon noticed Hit, Vegeta and Toppo standing with him.

"Looks like you could use some help." Hit began, flying over to the group.

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