Chapter 5: Protection

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-A few weeks later-

Goku POV

A few weeks had barely gone past, and it felt like I already knew so much about Jiren.

He seemed to be a lot more open about his thoughts and feeling than when I first met him in the Tournament of Power. He's also really nice and a great cook! Really, he is! He's also a great sparring partner, we'd tell each other our flaws in our fighting methods and we would learn from them. I've already learned so much from him, and he's helped me control Ultra Instinct better too!

For some odd reason, Jiren always seemed a little... nervous around me sometimes, and I would often catch him staring at me. Though I never minded, as I did the same around him.

Geez! Who would've ever thought I'd actually really like him more than a friend?! Not me, that's for sure. But Jiren is so nice sometimes, and though he has a stern exterior, he has a big heart. I respect him for that. Even if he'd lived through so much trauma, he managed to stay on the straight and narrow.

Jiren POV

Goku and I got along well the past few weeks, we actually seemed to have a lot in common. However... there was one thing I couldn't tell him, how I really felt about him. It just didn't seem right, after all he had divorced his wife, and his son was going through so much trauma and suffering. I couldn't tell him how I felt, it would put too much stress on him.

Unfortunately... or fortunately, I was forced to face it one day.

Goku had decided to have a get-together at his friend Bulma's to introduce me to his friends outside of battle. I tagged along because I wanted to make amends for my actions. Needless to say it went pretty smoothly until she came to the party.

When I saw her arrive and everyone began glaring at her, I knew she was the one that caused trouble to Goku's family. I didn't outwardly react though, just clenched my fists in my folded arms.

"Chichi, what are you doing here?" Bulma glared, trying to hide her anger. I guessed that everyone knew about what Chichi had done and didn't trust her one bit. I didn't either.

"What? A girl needs to loosen up sometimes, besides..."

I noticed Chichi glaring at Goten who was hiding behind Goku and smiled, "I just want to see my little boy again."

The way she said that disgusted me. She didn't deserve to be at that party, but you know what was the last straw for me? She walked over to Goten and tried to grab him from Goku, who was shielding him from Chichi's spiked whip with his arm. The others had tried to stop her, but they were attacked with her whip as well. I watched Goku's right arm get bloodied and bruised and I soon lashed out.

Faster than anyone could see, I pulled her away from Goku and Goten and glared at her dangerously as I held her collar tightly in my gloved hands. I knew exactly what it was like for someone to get hurt, and I didn't want that happening again. I could tell everyone was shocked at my sudden movements but I didn't care.

"Listen here, Chichi, was it?" I spat her name out in disgust, "I promised Goku that if I ever encountered you, I wouldn't hurt you. But, if you dare try to hurt him or his son one more time, I will not hesitate to call the rest of the Pride Troopers and send you to our prison for child abuse. So it's either you stay at this party and face my absolute strength, or you leave."

I emphasised the word 'him' far too much than I liked it to be, but I didn't care. This woman needed to hear it.

Chichi growled as I let her go, and she huffed, driving away from the party in her car with her new lover.

"W-Wow Jiren, you really did tell her." Goku stated.

"Yeah, that was something." Piccolo continued.

I merely sighed, "Forgive me, I just heard from Goku about what happened with his son and... well I couldn't control myself once she did that."

I soon turned to Goku and Goten and ruffled the latter's hair, looking up at Goku as he held his arm which was extremely bloodied due to the spikes that had scraped his skin thanks to his ex-wife's whip.

"Are you alright?" I asked in concern. Goku merely grinned, "Yup! Nothing a good ol' senzu bean can't fix! Though... Korin hasn't made any in a while and I need to patch this up."

Bulma nodded and turned to me, "I left some bandages inside in case something like this happened. Do you mind...?"

I shook my head as Goku began walking in and I followed behind him. I soon noticed the roll of bandages on a table and I quickly took them. Goku sat down on a nearby chair as I carefully began to wrap it around his arm.

While I was doing so, Goku looked at me, "Jiren... thanks for what happened back there."

I smiled, "Don't worry about it. It was the least I could do."

Goku soon had a confused look on his face, "Why... Why do you care so much about me?"

To that I tensed up slightly as I finished wrapping the bandages. I sighed as I stared at Goku's silver eyes, "Can we talk in private?"

Goku seemed confused but he nodded nonetheless and we were IT'd straight back home, destroying a floating ki-ball that was used to get back.

I realised that I couldn't hide it any longer. I needed to tell the truth, be completely honest with myself and him.

I began to fidget slightly but I soon sighed, "Goku... listen."

I took a deep breath before I said my next words, "I... I always wondered why you were so interesting to me. Why I found you different to any of my other friends. And for a long time I didn't know why, until now."

I carefully took Goku's hand which made the Saiyan blush slightly.

"You changed me, in more ways than one. You were special in helping me get out of my own head. And... And I realised that the reason I found you interesting was... because I loved you. I love you as a person, Goku. I really do care about you."

Goku's breath got caught in his throat as I said those last few words, his silver eyes going misty and he was blushing harder.

I sighed slightly, "But I... I understand if you don't feel the same way."

It was then that Goku tackled me, almost making me lose my balance.

"I love you too, ya big goof!" Goku exclaimed, making my eyes widen, "I was just too scared to tell you because I hardly knew you and you hardly knew me. I didn't think you'd feel the same way."

Goku POV

That declaration was all I needed. Jiren actually liked me! I couldn't believe it! It felt like some kind of weird dream, but it was definitely real.

Despite my arm being damaged, I managed to wrap them around Jiren's neck and he soon began to stroke my hair. It took a few seconds before we went in for a kiss. It started off clumsily but we eventually got a handle on it and kissed properly. It lasted only for a few seconds before we quickly pulled away, blushing madly.

"J-Jiren... I never knew you... felt the same way." I was practically breathless.

"I never knew you did either." he replied, feeling breathless himself, "I guess this means things change between us?"

"Heh... yeah, I guess!"

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