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"C-c-c-come on c-c-c-come on go go!" I angrily tap my fingers on my bed as the smut on my phone loads quite slowly. I groan and give up as it's time to hit the road and be uncomfortable all day. I put my shoes on and walked to my mirror. It's weird having to wear my usual clothes to school since in the Philippines, ha! We barely do. All we wear is a boring ass uniform and not even those cute ones like in Japan or Korea! All I'm wearing now is my high prescription glasses, a plain gray oversized shirt tucked in high waisted jeans and red converse.

Oh and did I mention, a matching red hoodie to keep me warm. I took out my phone and earbuds then grabbed my bag, rushed down the stairs to see my parents eating breakfast "You ready?" Mom asks. I hummed in response and grabbed a piece of bread with peanut butter in it.

We headed out to the car after awhile.

I looked out the window with earbuds on, blocking the boring conversation my parents are sharing.

Pole...pole...stop light...

I eye the things that might help me get back home when I get lost

Turn right here...left...straight...7-11

I suddenly had a craving for a slushie

pole...pole...comic book store

I might check that out later

I was snapped out of my trance when I heard mother call out for me "Kathy, do you hear me?" I pull my earbuds out, still looking out the window "Yeah" "We're sorry, honey. We can't go out tonight for dinner, your father and I have to finish some deadlines" "On the first day?" My tone sounding more annoyed than intended "Look hon, we have to if we're gonna stay here" "then why didn't we just stay in Manila? why go so far and end up in New Jersey if we can't manage to stay?" "Because we need a new beginning! I know this is hard to adjust to but can you just give it a chance? If you decided that this isn't the place for you then...we'll go back to Manila" she sighed
"How long do I have?"
"We'll give you a few months"
"fine" I say tired of arguing knowing that it would be only thing I'll get out of them.

After a while of silence, I diverted my eyes to my dad driving "How will I get home?" "I'm going to pick you up after then I'll go straight to work" Dad said "or I can just walk home...I'm pretty the GPS won't let me down" "Are you kidding? I'm not letting you walk these streets alone when we just got here" Mom scoffed "Then how about a friend would drive me? Seeing that you're positive I would make one so suddenly" "Katherine! You just met the person why would you tell them our address! or even worse drive you when you-" "Sweetie, she's old and smart enough to know who is and who isn't sketchy. She'll do fine, she does know self defense after all" Dad cut her off chuckling. Mom sighed in defeat and turned around to look at me "No boys" "mom!" She laughed slightly with an obvious doubt still laced in her voice.

I look out the window once again to see that we've arrived. I took my phone out to play 'Sincerity is scary' by The 1975 to at least get an upbeat song to distract me from the obvious new hell hole I'm about to enter as I grab my bag. I put my hoodie on and was about to open the door but dad locked it. Stupid driver buttons. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Mom taps her fingers gently on the door handle. I groan and leaned forward to kiss their cheeks "Love you" I smile. No matter how much we argue, I still truly love them "We love you too" they smiled and dad unlocked the door. I stepped out "bye sweetie, you can do it" mom smiles as I returned it and closed the door, walking to the entrance.

Here we go.

C-c-c-come on.

As Red As It Gets (MichaelMellxReader)Where stories live. Discover now