Chapter Nine: I Wanna Dance With Somebody

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"Your mom owns the place?" I asked, stretching. I felt my converse walk over to where the records set place "Yup! My childhood was basically set here. I remember running around and hitting my head over there" Michael pointed at a nearby shelf. I smiled but my eyes were fixated on the records as my fingers dragged across each one. I stopped when I felt something light was rubbing against my leg. An orange-white blur suddenly caught my eye. I look down and it looked to be an orange tabby cat. A smile crept on my face as I crouched down and picked the cat up.

"And who must you be?" I cooed, holding it in my arms while I pet it's back "That would be Miss Pacman" Michael moved in front of me and grinned. His arm resting on the records "Miss Pacman, eh?" I grinned and held her up "Well you're just the cutest little thing" She let out a meow as I set her back down.

"She's adorable" I say, my eyes following Miss Pacman. My arms crossed as I turn around to stare at her until she turned a corner "Just like her papa" my head whirled around. My eyebrows raise in amusement and lips curled into a small grin. I walked around him with my shoulders shake from laughing.


Michael watched as the girl grinned and walked around him, feeling a familiar blush rise up his cheeks. Following her around for a few minutes while spitting out stories about growing up in the store, starting on how he bumped into every shelf in the area. Laughs and the sound of their footsteps were bouncing off the walls as the store was completely silent.

A buzz was heard in Michael's pocket. He reached over to grab his phone and saw that his mom needed him to do some chores around the store, including a list of them attached as the next message.

Mop the floor
Place items that weren't purchased back where they belong

Michael groaned and Katherine tilted her head to side "What's wrong?" He showed her the screen "Oh, I can help" Before he started to protest, she made her way to the cash register. Katherine placed her bag down and jumped over to go behind it. She grabbed the basket that had the items in it then placed it on the counter. Sliding over to the other side, she started walking to one of the shelves. The boy shook his head and headed to the back door for the mop.

Since the store was not that big, they could still talk and hear each other without yelling even when the two of them are on the opposite sides of the place.

"So, uh. What other songs do you listen to other than Marley's?" Katherine asked behind a shelf where the records were placed.

"Well, I have been playing Whitney on repeat for the last week now so" Michael chuckled, embarrassed as he thought she'd judge him for his music taste. "Why do you ask?" He continued to mop the floor but no reply was heard from the girl "Katherine?" He called out but nothing. He made his way over with the mop in his hand dragging behind him, leaving a wet trail.

Glancing in between the cracks on the shelf, he saw her short figure just standing there. Michael was about to call out again until a familiar beat was suddenly playing, replacing the silence that was starting to hurt his ears.

Ah yeah wOOH!

Michael stepped back a bit, amused and watched as Katherine moved her shoulders and bobbed her head lightly to the beat.

Hey yeah, huh ooh yeah uh-huh yeah! I wanna dance!

Her feet tapped along as the instrumentals came in. She moved backwards, syncing with the song while still doing the movements she did before.

Clock strikes upon the hour
And the sun begins to fade

She started moving to the side. Michael followed, his eyes never leaving her.

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