Chapter Nineteen: Me

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"What are you two doing up this late?" Our heads snap to see Chloe with her hair all disheveled with some sticking to her forehead, yawning as she passed by the door. I lowered our hands and slowly slipped mine off of his, turning to face the girl. "Nothing much, you?" I say quickly, leaning on the counter with my hand on my hip. "What? oh. I'm just gonna get some water then I'm going back to sleep" I nodded, grabbing another cup and poured some water in. She tilted her head back, drinking while Michael and I stayed there as awkwardness rise.

Once she was done, she turned her heel and marched off but stopped in her tracks. "Oh, I almost forgot" She turned to me and yawned again. Due to to it being contagious, I also did and covered my mouth. "Nick texted, saying that he'd like your number. Should I give it to him?" She rubbed her eyelids with the back of her hand. My mouth went agape, tapping my fingers on the counter. I feel my cheeks rise up as I shook my head. " I'll give it to him on monday, thanks" She nodded and continued walking back to the couch. I turn back to Michael who now was looking everywhere but me. Shuffling was heard in the living room and I'm convinced Chloe went back to cuddling with Jake. I grabbed the two cups, placing it on the sink and the pitcher in the fridge.

"So, that thing you've been wanting to tell me?" I smiled switching between standing on my heel and toe. The glint of confidence in his eyes faded away and was replaced by the fear he had earlier. "I-" He shook his head "I-I'm fine. You know, in case you were wondering when I waddled in here all teary" He laughed nervously, playing with the strings of his hoodie. Scanning his face, I could tell he was lying. The redness in his eyes says so, unless he somehow smoked tonight.

What are you hiding, Mell?

I grabbed his hands, away from the yarn with my eyes lost in his but his eyes avoided mine. I squeezed them gently, making him finally look at me. "You don't sound fine" My voice came out as a whisper as a silence falls between us. He cleared his throat and quickly hopped off the stool, his hand removing from mine and making no noise to disturb the guys in the other room.

"No, no. Really. I just...needed to know that you're still here...y'know" He dusted himself off as he rambled with his obviously fake laugh fading out. Just like with Chloe, his hair is sticking out all over the place. He stepped back and ran a hand through, attempting to fix it but just made it worse. "Michael," I take step towards him "I won't ever leave you. I can't imagine it. I admit that I'm that kind of person who drifts off but not you, no. We've only known eachother for two months but I already know that we" I point my index finger at the both of us "are until the end of the world, babe"

He chuckled, looking down as that pink tint immediately turned into that deep shade of red. "Hope that's true" He smiled, hesitantly walking towards me.

Is it?

"It is" I nod as I returned the smile, closing the gap we had between us. "Really?" A grin made it's way to his face, shoving all the trace of sadness it had out the window. "Really." My arms snake around his neck, hands playing with the hair on the back of his head. I take a good look at his eyes. They were hazel brown, still a bit red and watery. My thumb went up and wiped one off when it rolled down his cheek.

Flashbacks came back to me where we danced around in Michelle's store, how we twirled around too much to the point we ended up in eachother's arms. His arms slid around my waist, shaking hands resting on my lower back. We stood there, blushing like the idiots that we were. My hand runs through and tugged lightly on his hair, making him hum. Both of us inched closer again, having no idea that we were.

Do I actually like him? Does he actually like me back? Then what the fuck is this.

I jumped and leaned back a bit as Michael buried his face on my shoulder just when our noses touched. So much for a first kiss. "Michael?" Worry, confusion and embarrassment cross my features as I look down at the boy on me. "You okay?" He nodded slowly, straightening up. "Yeah, uhm. How about we just go back to...sleep" He gestured to the living room, not letting go of my waist.

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