Chapter Twenty Five: "Study" Session

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"Michael! Look!" Katherine waddled over to him and held her palm out where a snowflake was resting above it. He scrunched his nose up at her cuteness. "Have you not seen snow before?" She stared at him with furrowed eyebrows. "That country is so hot, ice cream would melt before it would even be served."

18th of December, 7:34am

It was the day before she leaves. Katherine's parents went to do some christmas shopping, leaving her alone in the house until a giddy Michael Mell showed up at the family doorstep. Instead of the usual slushie he'd frequently bring, two cups of warm hot chocolate that Michelle made occupied both his hands, along with a bag of dunkin' donuts.

"Aren't you supposed to be here at like 8:30?" Michael shrugged, handing her a cup. "The earlier, the better. We leave for Jake's at 3 so," The tips of his ears turned red when their hands touched. Euphoria and anxiety filled him, not knowing if she felt the same spark as he did or his mind was playing tricks on him.

She raised her eyebrows in amusement as his bottom lip quivered as if to say it was freezing.

With a shake of her head and a grin on her face, she let him in. A yawn emitted from Katherine's lips. The back of her hand rubbed her eyes as she walked back up to her room with Michael following behind.

For the last few days, Michael stayed over Katherine's house longer than usual. Hours of Tagalog lessons daily has filled up their schedule. Starting from alphabet additions to simples phrases that would end up Katherine in a fit of giggles.

"That's what I said!" Michael let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair as he scanned the paper he held.

"Try it again, this time without the accent."

"Nakakapag– nakakap–nakapabaggab–" Michael banged his head on her study table.
"Nakakapagpabagabag¹" Katherine corrected, taking a sip of her drink.

"Is this really what you guys say on the daily?" He groaned, an eye looking up at her. She shrugged, downing the drink down, taking the last sip. "I mean it's more like a tongue twister but–" "Katherine!" Michael's face scrunched up in betrayal as he placed his pen down dramatically.

"What does this even mean?" "Something about worry."

Michael sat back, drumming his pen on the desk as cogs move in his head. He jumped up on his feet, clasping his hands together.

"Okay, just uhm..." Michael turned around, carefully sitting himself down on the bed as he turned back to her. "Say a full sentence or a speech consisting of words I'm kind of familiar with and let's see if I can understand what you're saying" He crossed his legs while his fingers tapped on his lap.

Katherine blinked at him "What?"

"Just...say something random, I guess– but with words I already understand!" He flashed a smile, his hand picking on the duvet below him. Katherine stood still with her eyes squinting.

"Atleast give me a prompt"

"Okay, let's say uhm–" Katherine raised her eyebrows at the boy who got himself flustered. "How about you...confessing to someone you like– or not! We can change it if you want–" He paused when he heard her take a breath, tapping her foot.


She gulped as words quickly vomited out of her mouth. Michael raised his eyebrows, leaning in as his ears perked up. He reached over the desk and grabbed something to write on. "Care to run that by me again?"

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