Chapter Twenty Six: MITB pt 3

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"My aunts have been asking how abroad life is and I hate it."

"You hate it? What about me?"

"I meant I hate them going about my personal life but sure, that works too."


"Shut up, Susan. You know I love you. So anyway, how are the kids?"

"Oh, you know. The two lovebirds are up and about. I'm here in the kitchen hungry as fuck."

"I'll be sending you some food, don't worry."

"Better be."

"I- hold on."


"An aunt just asked me if I was talking to my boyfriend."

"Are you?"

"I dunno."

"Who is this bastard?"

"Aw come on, babe. You know I wouldn't replace you."




"Hey, I got to go. I'm a bit tired. Call you when I'm free?"

"Sounds good."


"How is she?" Christine walked up to him with a Mountain Dew can in hand. "She's doing alright. I'm surprised you two don't talk through phone." Michael raised his eyebrow.

"I was too busy planning all this." She whined, chugging down the drink. "I'm gonna call her later though, so you better cherish your remaining time because I'm about to have her all to myself." Christine stuck her tongue out at Michael, making him roll his eyes. "You do you, Chris. Is the Playstation free?"

"Nope, my little cousins are using it. You can join them if you want." Michael shook his head. "Nah, Not really in a social mood right now."

"So, you got anyone to go to prom with?" Christine asked, which made Michael look taken back. "Well, I would've taken Jeremy but you already did so," He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. Christine giggled, nudging him. "Come on. There's got to be somebody. What about Rich?" Michael's eyebrows raised as his hand rested on his hip, giving her silence as an answer. "Okay, fair point." She grinned.

Christine sighed, her eyes squinting as she stared off to space. Michael licked his lips, a confused look displayed on his face. "What?" He asked. Christine jumped a bit, realizing her previous gaze was set right at him. "Nothing, I'm trying to figure out who to set you up with."

"I'm surprised you haven't thought of Katherine yet." Michael chuckled. He turned his head to avoid her eyes as his statement dawned on him.

"What does that mean?"

"What does what mean?"

"Do you want me to set you up with Katherine?"

"N-no. I- just thought you'd suggest her since you know," Michael coughed, ruffling his hair. "You and the other guys always tease me and shit." He stuttered with his last words coming to a whisper.

"So, you do like her!" A wicked smile appeared on her face as she tugged on his sleeve. "Oh my god, you two will be so cute together. And oh, you two will be wearing cute matching prom outfits! Katherine has always been wanting to try out a red jumpsuit she's had her eye on. Oh! You two can call red as your color! It's gonna be so fricking adorable!" Christine squealed as she babbled on jokingly.

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