Chapter Five: Soulmates?

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We started talking for awhile and like the car ride with Michael, we didn't run out of topics. I told them about how it was like growing up in the Philippines or how we always had rice as a meal, asian moms, jeeps, anti terror bill. Christine's ears perked up as we talked about politics, saying that opening the schools earlier than needed is just overly idiotic. As she rambled on what's happening in the States, she gasped when I told her about my country's condition.

Jake took a bite of his sandwich and shook his head "Woah, that sounds crazy. I mean not US crazy but still crazy, how could your government do that? If our countries collided then this would be the fucking purge" He said as he was still chewing "First off, Jake, don't talk with your mouth full, second, enough about politics! Michael, aren't you filipino too?" Brooke asked as she took a spoonful of frozen yogurt.

"Yeah, I'm born filipino but I didn't grow up filipino. Hell, I don't even know a word except for when I was ten, a filipino kid who just moved in my neighbourhood called me 'suh-pot' then told me it means cool. Not knowing any better, I told my mothers about it and they called me their little 'suh-pot' later that week until they stopped and talked to the kid's parents...still dunno why tho" Michael shrugged and picked up a sushi roll with his chopsticks after putting some sauce and a tiny bit of wasabi on it. His eyes landed on mine as he devoured the whole roll in his mouth. While he chewed, he looked like a chipmunk but instead of nuts filling up his cheeks, it was sushi rolls. He looked like an innocent critter who's unaware of the cruel world he's living in. A being who deserved better than what shit he's been given. A person you'd feel like protecting.

It felt like it was wrong to laugh, not knowing if I had the same humor with these people. This reminded me of the time I accidentally joked about an old friend's unfortunate turn of events. It didn't escalate any farther to the point of an argument, no, but it did make me feel like I can't say anything right. It made me feel like shit evem though it was my fault and thinking about that makes me feel more like shit.

Deciding to test the waters, I held back a small laugh "Yeah, I don't think being supot is considered cool" His face flushed red "Well what DOES it mean??" "Do you want to?" Before Michael could answer, Jenna cleared her throat "Pouch. It says it means like a small bag" She looked at her phone and turned to show it to Chloe "So the kid called you a bag?" Everyone chuckled and soon, the topic was brushed off as we continued to exchange stories. I sat there smiling, ate my food and just nodded at what they were saying.

At the corner of my eye I see Michael with his head low. He was done with his food and was just tapping his chopsticks on the plastic container. "You alright?" I nudged him while the others just continued with their conversation. Michael's eyes shot up to meet mine and fixed his posture.
"Uh, yeah I'm fine" He cleared his throat.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it's just uhm," He hesitated before letting out a small laugh "Are you gonna finish that?" He pointed his chopsticks to where my remaining sushi was. I picked the roll up with my own and put it on his container "All you had to do is ask" I laugh as I put away my trash inside the paper bag then took a sip of my slushie.

When lunch was over, we headed out the door after we all threw our trash in the bin, including Michael and I's finished slushies. The group asked me if I wanted to ride with them after school and hang at the mall but I declined, saying that Michael promised to show me around town more. The group just said a couple of 'ooh'and 'ahh's as Jeremy nudged Michael with his elbow while Christine winked at my direction. We all bid our goodbyes while Chloe and Brooke, skipped off and sang a tune I never heard of before. It just so happened that Michael and I have the same remaining classes so both of us, who were not doing any form of pda whatsoever anymore, walked together to get this remaining hours of hell over with.

"Sooooo, what did it mean?" I felt Michael tug my sleeve behind me. I turned around to look at the tall ass guy as I continued to walk backwards.
"What did what mean?"
"Suh-pot or bag or whatever it is"
"Supot" I corrected
I burst out laughing with my right hand held in front my mouth "Oh god, why am I bickering like this with you? If we were in the Philippines, everyone would look at us weirdly, for the word isn't a very 'fancy' word" I shook my head and looked up to see him pouting "But whaaaaat does it meaaaaaan, I won't tell anyone!" "Pretty sure you wouldn't want to" "Pleaseeeeeeeee" I shook my head, giggling, as I turned around again to walk forwards and avoiding bumping into anyone on the way.

I don't know why I'm keeping this from him when I can just swiftly say 'Oh hey, that kid called you uncircumcized, meaning that you're not a man who's probably still a child although calling you that would make the person child-like himself because instead of saying a very laid out burn that would leave a mark, he insisted of calling you a very low iq insult that he, himself is experiencing'. We entered the room then Michael sat down beside me at the back of the room as I've grown used to not getting that much attention. He opened his mouth to say something but that's when the bell rang and another teacher came in.

I leaned forward to his chair as Mr. Murphy turned his back to write on the whiteboard.
"Uncircumcized" I whisper as confusion crossed his features
"The kid called you uncircumcized" I repeated as he turned beet red.


Alive. That's what she felt. Kathy has survived the first day of school. It was only the beginning of a new chapter but the universe decided to fuck with her.
After the final class, both Michael and Katherine rushed out to his Pt Cruiser as they decided to check out the stores they previously passed by. The first stop was the comic book store that caught Katherine's eye earlier.


Michael and I entered the store as the smell of old and new comic books filled the air. Turns out, it was bigger than I imagined. The store is connected to another part where books, dvds, records and anything vintage were sold. "This is so fucking cool!" I heard Michael squeal beside me but quickly cleared his throat and let out a lower voice "This place is chill" I grinned and started to wander around. New DC and Marvel issues filled one shelf while Funko pops filled the other. I grab one out of the shelf and-- holy shit-- I put it back after looking at the price.

Walking over to where the novels were, I randomly grabbed one which was on top of organized books so it stuck out the most. Looking at the title, it read, 'Red tattoo'. I switch to read the back of it,

'What if you were born with a tattoo and that tattoo was also on your soulmate but on a different place? It gets even weirder when what used to be black ink tattooed on your skin switches between colors as it follows the rainbow pattern. From black to violet to indigo to blue and when it's finally the time you meet your soulmate, it turns red'

I rolled my eyes. Of course it's gotta be one of those soulmate au's. Letting curiousity get the best of me, I flipped to a random page.

'If a kid throws big stones at you, throw a huge ass boulder back'

I chuckled. Well, I can't really judge a book by it's cover. Plus, it's actually really cheap so I decided to hang on to it.

Searching for another book, my fingers brush against the shelves as I pass by until I reached the end where the entrance to the other portion of the shop. I see Michael looking at dvds while holding a paper bag in his hand. "What do ya have there?" I asked, approaching him. I placed the book under my arm and crouched a bit to look at the movies under. Michael looked down at me and smiled "Just some 80's movies, I'll show you once we get to sev elev" I stood up straight and nodded, walking to cashier to purchase the book I had.

Sitting down on a vacant table at Seven eleven, with Michael on the opposite side, He took out three dvds from the paper bag "Being an old school geek, I've decided to watch these two again. Except for this one that I never heard of" I looked at what he chose. Heathers, Beetlejuice and...oh.
I removed the book from my bag and showed it to him. We looked at eachother for a moment then laughed. "I didn't know there was a movie adaption" I told him, placimng the book back in the bag "You've read it?" "Nah, I was just about to. It looked...interesting," I shrugged, taking a sip of my 2nd slushie for the day. "About having a red tattoo when you've met your soulmate and shit" "Soulmates? Well that IS interesting. Don't really believe in it but who knows" He shrugged, pouting.

"Wanna switch when I've watched it and you're done reading?" He suggested "Well, we could just watch it together sometime and I could let you borrow the book" "'d want to hang out with me again?" He looked taken back as if it's a miracle that someone else other than Jeremy would ask to hang with him alone "Of course, dummy! We're acquaintances!" He laughed along with me "I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to hang with you again" "Fair point" He grinned and lifted his cup as I did the same "To acquaintances" "To acquaintances."

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