Your alive

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Me and my siblings have different dads but the same mom.
'Get up Olivia,it's time for school'
'5 more minutes'
'Okay,okay'. I got up ate breakfast and got dressed. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
'Lisa, I'm ready'
'Alright head out to the car I'll be there in a minute'. I walk out to the car, the door was locked so I just stood there waiting on my cousin. I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around and saw my dad.
'Go inside pack somethings and run' I heard him say before he collapsed.
'I lov-' he stopped breathing. I ran into the house and grabbed my Girl Scout Bag. I put a long sleeve shirt and a tank top, shorts and my sweat pants, a sweater and my white jacket with gray sleeves,and some under garments. Their was still room in my bag so I ran to the kitchen and packed bottles of water and food. I remember something else.
Someone knocked me out of my thoughts.
'Olivia,do you want to come with Carl,Shane,and me?' Rick asked me
'Sure let me go tell my sister first' he nod his head and walked back to Lori. I walked to my sister who was was standing next to our brother George.
'Can I go with them to go look for the little girl'. I said while pointing to Rick,Shane,and Carl. She looked at our brother then back at me.
'We don't know these peop-
'If Clarissa trust them,then we can trust them' I cut her off.
'Fine just be safe'. I walk back to them and nod my head as to say"come on". We walk in the woods until we see this beautiful deer come right into view. I started to walk to it I turn my head around and see Carl doing the sam thing. I then hear a gun cock back thinking it was Shane I turn around and saw his gun on the ground. I jump in front of Carl trying to protect him from the bullet that just went through the deer,me,and Carl.
I just see black I can't see or hear anything but I can feel everything. I then see something more like someone.
'Dad!'. The man turns around and I see it's not my dad it's one my best friend's......Kevin.
'Hey,Olivia, how are you feeling?'
'Am I-I d-d-dead'
'No, of course not'. I wake up to see an old guy on the side of the bed I'm on.
'Good to see your awake' the man says
'Who are you?'
'I'm Hershel and this is Patrica' he said pointing to a lady with blond hair. They started to leave the room but Hershel stopped and turned towards me.
'Is their anything I can get you?'
'May I have a glass of water'
'Sure, I'll get my daughter to bring it in'. He left the room with a smile on his face. After like 5 minutes a girl with blond hair came in. I couldn't see her face until she turned around.
'Your still alive'

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