Uh Oh

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Um Mr Prioritony sir
Do you also know how to fix emotional wounds

Mr Prioritony
Did your feelings get stabbed this time? Jesus kid can't you go to your parents about this stuff

*cough* well you see sir that is my current predicament seeing as I am an orphan
And I am living with an aunt that works all the time
With a job
And high school
And bullies
And that is why I'm up at four in the morning experiencing symptoms of a panic attack
So if you could help it would be grEATLY APPRECIATED

Mr Prioritony
Oh **** kid I'm sorry I didn't know
So do you wanna tell me how you were able to censor all of my cursing without ever touching my phone

Sure it was easy I made an app for my tech class as extra credit and it censors any words you enter into the app
It's like a key word search but it keeps you from being able to see those words when texting
I'm pretty sure my teacher downloaded it onto his kids phones
They don't like me :/

Mr Prioritony
Can you tell me the name of the app I wanna put it on my coworkers phone
He's always nagging me about my language and I want it to censor the word language

Yeah of course it's called Language Lockdown you should be able to find it pretty easily

Mr Prioritony
Thanks kid
So did my distraction work?

Everyone else tries to make me talk about the problem and that makes it worse!!!
Thank you Mr Prioritony!!!!

Mr Prioritony
You're welcome kid

Priorities: A Spider-Man Wrong Number FicWhere stories live. Discover now