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(About two weeks after the last chapter)
Um, sorry if I'm interrupting something, but do any of you guys know how to make a concussion heal faster
I understand if you guys are busy but it would really help f u helpef m
Id t noemal tu fel yis dizzt

Mr Prioritony
Kid what did you do?!??
Are you ok?!?
Of course you're not ok you have a concussion what am I asking
Bruce!!! Help him!

Mr Green
There's nothing I can d, Tony
The only thing you can really do for concussions is anti-nausea medications and rest your brain and body
But you should definitely go to the hospital

No hopitas

Miss Spider
Kid tell us what happened

Peter's POV
Peter hesitated. He didn't know these people, he shouldn't trust them. But he wanted help, he wanted it so so badly. He was just so scared of what May would do if he asked for it.

May had been like this ever since Ben's death. Peter had felt so much guilt after the accident, he could've stopped it and he knew that. He explained the story to his aunt, and she blamed him as much as he blamed himself.

Which was a lot.

But now here he was, talking to a group of people who seemed to care about him. Peter was dizzy and disoriented and not of the right mind. So he did something that he would regret as soon as he was healed.

He texted back.

Aunt May goy mad agian and hut my haed on tbe wall

Mr Winter
I'm gonna cut a biscuit
Jesus a female dog

Mr Silver
What's your address, I can get there quickest

Mr Prioritony
He lives in Queens, I'm sending the location to your phone now speedy

Mr Silver
Got it, I'm on my way

Miss Spider
How lenient is the government about rightful murder at this point in time

Mr Flag
I am the face of the government and I'm feeling a bit like Helen Keller right now

Mr Green
I'm gonna have to step away for a minute

Miss Red
I hope this aunt of his enjoys seeing zombie cuttle fish in her nightmares

Mrs Salt
Oops, looks like all of the good lawyers in the Tri-State area were just threatened with mountains of legal fees if they took on May Parker as a client

Mr Prioritony
Oh would you look at that, all of her texts and calls have been forwarded to the police department. I wonder how that happened?

Mr Silver
I have him

Priorities: A Spider-Man Wrong Number FicWhere stories live. Discover now