Group Chat

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Mr Idiot Man has created a group chat

Clint, what is this?
Who's that weird number?

Mr Idiot Man
That's Peter, he's the kid that Tony's been talking to all the time
Also don't tell him your real names

Well of course i'm not going to tell him my real name
Hi Peter, you can call me Miss Spider

Hi Miss Spider!!!!!!

You can call me Mr Silver

Miss Red

Mr Green

Mrs Salt

Mr Flag

Mr Winter

Mr Green
Why didn't  you add um... Mr Hammer to the chat,

Mr Idiot Man
The last time he used a phone he stuck it in the toaster thinking it was his pop tart, so i decided the best course of action was to leave him out

Mr Green
Makes sense

So i'm glad i get to talk to you guys, but can i know why i'm not allowed to hear your real names?
It's ok if you can't tell me, totally alright, fine, a ok, not a problem-

Mr Prioritony
I would've warned you about his rambling if Birdbrain hadn't stoLEN MY PHONE TO GET HIS NUMBER

Mr Idiot Man
Would you have told me his number if i had asked?

Mr Prioritony

Mr Idiot Man
Then I believe my actions are perfectly justified

I'd love to keep watching this happen, but my aunt is calling me
Goodnight guys!!!!!!!

*Entire Chat*
Goodnight Peter
I'm sorry it took me so long to post this, but i've been focused on Subway Spider and have had some ~medical issues~ recently. so i'm really sorry for the delay, i'll try to be posting another chapter soon. thank you for being patient!!!!


Priorities: A Spider-Man Wrong Number FicWhere stories live. Discover now