Well This Is Unexpected

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Peter's POV
He felt dizzy. Like really dizzy. More dizzy than whenever Ned challenged him to a spinny chair spinning contest, which was saying a lot.

But the thing that really made him feel like he was going to pass out was watching the Avengers walk through the door.

"Holy cheese on a cracker," Peter blurted out, immediately covering his mouth and blushing bright red at their laughs.

Tony was the first one to approach him. "How are you feeling, kid?"

"I-uh um, g-good, I guess," Peter stammered our. He was sure that he could stand by a brick wall and blend in perfectly at this point.

Tony gave him a look. "Kid, you have two incorrectly healed broken ribs, a concussion, multiple gashes across your body, and your answer is 'good'?" he asked incredulously.

Peter cringed. "Would fine work better?" he questioned, his voice getting more high pitched and squeaky throughout his sentence.

Stark stood up, exasperated. "Scary red witch lady, it's your turn. I'm done with this kid," he said, throwing up his hands in surrender.

Wanda glared a bit at the man who killed her parents (which she is still not completely over, by the way) and made her way to the teenagers bed, replacing her glower with a comforting smile.

"Hello, Peter. We understand that you probably do not want to talk about what happened in your home, so we were wondering if you would rather have me look through your memories instead to save you the pain of reliving them," she said calmly.

Wanda might have been calm, but Peter was freaking out. "I told you?!?"

Steve winced. "We're pretty sure you were delirious from the pain when you texted it to us. If it helps any, your aunt is in prison now."

Peter groaned into his hands. "It doesn't help much. I have nowhere to go now."

The realization that he had been texting the Avengers hadn't really hit him, but the fact that his only remaining family member was gone hit him like a frying pan to the face.

Steve cringed again. "Bucky, you do this. I don't know how to comfort people."

Bucky looked horrified and shoved the captain in front of him. "And you think I do?!? Park your spandex-covered self back in front of the kid and leave me out of it."

Peter groaned once again. This was going to be a long day.

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