Phone Call

17.9K 613 67

Phone Call


Hello, is this Mr Peter Parker?

Um, yes, who is this?

Hi, my name is Amber from Child Protective Services and I wanted to talk to you about your current predicament. According to what we have on file, your aunt was your last living relative, correct?

...yes, ma'am.

Well then Peter, that means you are now in the custody of the government. We'll be sending a case worker to come pick you up in the morning to take you to a group home until you either get fostered or adopted. Do you have somewhere to stay for the night, or do we need to come earlier?

I-um- y-yes I can stay at my friend's house. The address is *somewhere*.

That will be all Peter, your case worker will meet you there in the morning. Oh, and my condolences for your loss.

*This call has been disconnected*

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