Mrs Leeds

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mrs leeds?
i don't know if ned has told you, but some stuff has happened at my house and i don't have a place to stay
i understand if you're house is full and you don't want me there
you know what, this is stupid
(message erased)

Peter sighed down at his phone. Who would willingly take him in? He didn't know what he was thinking.

Right as his head had made its home in his hands, the infirmary door slammed open.

"Sign these, kid. Well, my kid soon," Tony said loudly, slamming down a surmountable pile of papers on the tray in front of Peter.

Peter simply blinked owlishly at him. "What?" That concussion must be worse than they thought.

"I'm adopting you, kid. Now sign."

Priorities: A Spider-Man Wrong Number FicWhere stories live. Discover now