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- January 5, 2013 -

The walk from Ava's car to the back door of the old brick building was exceedingly long for only being a few minutes. Probably due to the biting cold wind that whipped across her face and threatened to rip her scarf right off her neck.

It also may have felt like a 5k marathon due to it being the first day at a new job. It wasn't much, just a few nights a week, but she couldn't shake the nerves settling in her belly as she clicked her key fob to hear her car lock for the second time. She was excited for the change, and the new experience. And she thought it would be good for her to hopefully make some new friends while she did her online courses.

The wind whistled obnoxiously as she pulled the heavy metal door open to stumble into the building, exhaling deeply as her cheeks immediately began to warm at the stark change of temperature.

She started down a narrow hallway toward the office she knew was situated at the end as she unwrapped her scarf, desperately trying to steady her breathing. A quick glance past a tall cart full of pastry desserts showed a busy kitchen with servers dressed just like her in black dress pants, white button down shirts and bowties.

A familiar voice spoke her name from behind. Shannon, her middle aged manager, stood in the doorway of the office with a warm smile when Ava turned to greet her. She was quick to walk towards her, extending her hand the way she was taught, gripping hers firmly as she smiled.

"Perfect timing."

"Hi, Shannon. How are you?"

"Great! Come on in here so we can get you set up," she spoke with a hand extended towards her office as she welcomed Ava into the small, plainly decorated space.

"Nervous?" Shannon spoke once the door was closed.

"A little," she smiled shyly.

"Well, don't be. Everyone's nice. They'll show you the way, help when you need it. Team effort and all that." She waved her hands nonchalantly as she turned her back, making her way over to her desk. "I just have a couple things for you to sign, direct deposit slip and such. Then we'll set up your clock in ID and go get your badge done with HR."

She waved Ava over to her side, lifting a pen in her direction with one hand as she pointed to the lined paper, indicating where to sign each document. Ava watched her quietly as she stapled the papers together before tucking them away in what she assumed to be her file.

"You can put your jacket and things over there," she nodded toward an open coat closet.

Ava did as she was told, gingerly wrapping her scarf around the neck of a hanger before adding her coat. Her heart rate seemed to be easing a bit as she got accustomed to the new environment. When she turned back toward Shannon, she was typing away on her computer, leaving Ava to silently wait for the next instruction.

"Okay, I just let Cindy know we'd be up in a minute. Let's set this thing up real quick."

She walked towards the door of the office again where a small machine was mounted on the wall. "So this is the clock in machine. You'll just place your hand on it with the sensors between your fingers. You can clock in seven minutes before your shift. Try not to forget to do it," she spoke as she pressed a few buttons on the machine. "It's not a huge deal if you do forget once in a while, just try not to make a habit out of it. Messes with HR," she giggled. "Here you go, just put your hand in and it'll prompt you to lift it three times."

Ava did as she was told, watching the screen as it read her palm every time she placed her hand onto the sensor.

"Don't forget the sanitizer," she spoke again once the machine beeped in completion. "Here's your apron and bowtie. We have some extras if you're in a pinch or forget it one day. Just be sure to put them back if you do borrow one." She extended the neatly folded apron and bowtie. "Chuck them on and we'll go see Cindy for your badge and then I'll introduce you to your trainer."

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