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"Harry," Ava moaned from deep in her chest as her orgasm threatened to explode through her body.

His face was tucked into her neck, abruptly pulling back to lean on his elbows and hover over her. His eyes were hooded with pleasure and his hips rolled into hers in perfect harmony with his grunts.

"Yeah, come on." He bit his lip as his nose brushed hers, his entire body pressed to hers as he fucked into her.

Ava scratched her nails down his back until she could press crescent moons indents into his ass cheeks. He was radiating heat, sweat forming on both their foreheads. Her legs were wrapped around his thighs as a measly way to anchor herself to him. His mouth was hot on hers when he kissed her but breaking quickly as another moan escaped his throat.

His hand traveled down from where it had found purchase squeezing her breast until he could wedge his palm between their bodies, fingers grazing over her clit. His eyes roamed her face as he played her while his other hand cupped her neck.

"Yes," Ava moaned softly, the word getting caught in her throat.

He grunted in response as his hips pounded harder until she was snapping here head back into the pillow and moaning out her orgasm. His pace became sloppy immediately in an attempt to hold himself off a few seconds longer, but failing as she spasmed around him.

He dropped onto her, groaning into her neck while his hips sputtered at the end of his orgasm.

They sunk further into the mattress that they laid on the floor of their new apartment a mere 20 minutes prior. Ava and Harry's limbs melted together as they came down, all the tension floating away with their orgasms.

There was a thud from above and then the distinct sound of a toddler's screeching cry and a woman's voice yelling I told you to get down!

Harry rolled off Ava with a grunt and a chuckle, "Gonna be you one day."

She slapped his shoulder as she laughed, dramatically rolling off the mattress and onto the floor before getting up to head to the bathroom.

It was the first night in their new home -- a 550 square foot studio apartment that they could just barely afford together. Harry brought his queen size mattress from home and Ava's parents let them have her old dresser, and that was it.

Ava and Harry's parents weren't totally against them moving in together, but they weren't exactly all for it either. They were young, and in the grand scheme of life, they hadn't been together that long.

But Ava knew Harry was it for her. And he knew she was it for him too.

So it was Ava and Harry and their sparsely decorated apartment's first night together. And Ava was beaming with happiness as she took in her messy hair as she washed her hands at the small pedestal sink.

When she appeared in the doorway, Harry was sitting in the center of the mattress with a blanket over his lap and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in his hand.

Ava smiled at her boyfriend as she climbed down next to him, tucking her cold feet under the blanket before taking the sandwich from his extended hand.

"Happy?" He asked after she took a bite and passed it back to him.

"Very," she smiled as she tucked a curled piece of hair behind his ear and gave a small scratch to his scalp.

He smiled before taking a bite of the sandwich and passing it back to her. He was quiet as he chewed, seemingly pondering something.

"I know it's not much," he spoke after a beat, "But I promise I'll work to give you everything you want. If you let me."

Ava smiled as he tugged on her heart strings while he gazed down at his knees. "You already do," she stated simply.

He turned to her, a smile forming on his gorgeous mouth that made her skin tingle. He cupped one side of her face, pulling her into slant his mouth over hers in a sweet kiss.

He chucked his first two fingers under her chin when he pulled away. "Eat."

Ava did as she was told before passing the sandwich back to him for the last bite. They were quiet as they listened to their new neighbors filter through your walls. There was definitely a toddler, Ava already knew that. But she also heard a newborn crying and another child that yelled so clearly about wanting to watch another episode.

"Do you ever think about it?" He asked once they both laid back down, curled under their shared blanket, both of their heads resting on a pillow.

Ava watched where she traced her finger along his jaw and over his lips. "Think about what?"

"Having a family," he spoke slowly.

She ran her forefinger down the bridge of his nose while his hand rested steady on her hip. "Yeah, sometimes."

He was quiet as his fingers flexed on her hip. "Do you ever... think about it with me?"

Ava looked up to his eyes to be met with him intently gazing back at her. His mouth was parted and his breathing was shallow as he waited for her response.

"Of course I do," she confirmed in a soft voice.

They were both quiet for a moment before he continued. "I think about it a lot."

"You do?"

He shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah."

"Since when?"

"A few months now," he pushed her hair back off her shoulder before grazing his hot palm down her side to wrap around her back and pull her even closer. "I definitely want a family with you."

"Now?" Ava asked with wide eyes.

He laughed fully before quickly kissing her shocked mouth. "Not now. But when we're ready. When it's the right time for us."

"Oh," she relaxed into him. "Yeah, I want that too."

Harry smiled as he pulled her into him and kissed her slowly. His mouth was sweet yet powerful. It took everything it gave and more. His tongue was sure as it grazed hers and his hands were strong as he held her. Harry made Ava feel safe in every aspect imaginable.

And she willingly gave everything she had to him, as long as she could keep that feeling forever.


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