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- Friday, September 27, 2030 -

"You did all that for me?"

Ava's daughter looked so shocked by the end of the story that it genuinely made Ava laugh, Harry laughing right alongside her wide eyes and disbelieving tone.

"Yes! And I would do it again in a heartbeat. You know why?" Ava watched her shake her head no, her eyes still wide as saucers. "Because I would do anything for you. Daddy too. You are the best thing that ever happened to us."

She smiled at that, blinking softly at Ava. She may have had Harry's dimples, but that was Ava's smile, through and through.

"Alright, love. It's late. Don't want you to be tired for your birthday!" Harry spoke up after a moment before climbing out of bed. Ava watched as she got herself tucked under her covers, smiling happily up to her mom. Harry leaned down to kiss her head first, then the tip of her nose as she scrunched it up the same way Harry did. And then Ava did the same before pulling the covers over her more.

"Good night, baby. Love you."

"Love you," she whispered as Ava turned her light out and quietly left her room.

Harry's hands were on Ava's shoulders as she pulled her bedroom door closed, massaging a seemingly always present knot. "Can you believe she's gonna be ten tomorrow?"

"Nope," Ava laughed as she turned towards him, wrapping her arm around his waist as he slung his around her shoulder to walk down the dimly lit hallway. "I know I say that every year. But every year it blows my mind."

"Mine too."

He kissed her head as they made their way into their bedroom before separating at the foot of the bed. Ava pulled the covers down in silence, tossing the decorative pillows onto the floor before climbing into the crisp sheets. She watched as he stripped down to his boxers before slipping in beside her, quick to pull her closer and turn her to face away from him, fitting his front perfectly against her back.

"Do you think she's asleep already?" Harry asked, his breath tickling down the back of Ava's neck as he pulled her even closer, his hips casually flexing against her.

"Oh my god, you're the worst!" Ava laughed as she squirmed against him.

"What?" he exclaimed, the smile evident in his tone. "Just missed you."

That had Ava humming, arching her back against him a silent plea. "Missed you too, H." She spoke softly as you smiled into her pillow.

"Is that a yes?" He flexed his hips again with his question. "Think she fell asleep extraordinarily fast? All that pre-birthday excitement knocked her out?"

"Mm, doubtful." Ava's voice lowered when she continued. "So I guess you better be quiet."

"I can be quiet."

His words and the deep timbre of his voice sent a chill down Ava's spine in the same way his hand gripping her hip and his mouth finding her neck did. That was all it took for her body to warm, arching against him more to feel the way he was already puffing up in his boxers.

He sucked soft kisses to her skin as he awkwardly tugged her shorts down as much as he could before she kicked them off the rest of the way. He was quick to follow suit, pulling his boxers down his thighs so he could feel her soft skin against his own. Her ass curved perfectly into his groin, his warm cock perfectly tucked against her, his leg hair tickling the backs of her legs, his chest flush to her back as he softly bit her shoulder through her tee shirt.

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