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- Wednesday, December 24, 2017 -

"Goodnight, loves! See you in the morning," Anne called with a kind smile from across the room as Ava and Harry made their way up the stairs of his childhood home.

After a night of delicious food, games and wonderful company, Harry called it a night, whispering in Ava's ear that he was ready to spend time with just her. So they bid their goodnights to his family, taking their empty hot chocolate mugs to the dishwasher before ascending the stairs with smiles on their faces.

His old bedroom looked the same; posters on the walls of his favorite bands, a dark oak desk in one corner with knick-knacks and books and a small reading lamp, an old striped chair tucked beside it, and his bed in the center below a large window with a soft duvet and blankets neatly placed on top. It smelled like cinnamon from the candle he had lit earlier in the day and the room was dimly lit from the brightly shining moon.

"I love your family," Ava whispered with a smile as she bent down to fish one of his old tee shirts from their shared luggage.

Harry sat on the end of the bed, slipping his socks off and tossing them next to the chair in what would be deemed the 'dirty pile'. She watched him reach behind his neck to tug his hoodie over his head, his hair sticking up from the static. He was quiet for a moment, simply watching her shimmy out of her clothes and bra, shrugging the shirt on and pulling it down over her underwear. He leaned up to slip his sweatpants off, kicking them over to the pile before his fingers encased hers, tugging her to stand between his legs.

Ava's hands rested on his shoulders, his worn tee shirt feeling exceedingly soft beneath her palms as he trailed his fingers up and down her bare legs.

"I love you," he whispered with his face tilted up to hers as his fingers drew designs on her thighs.

She ran her hand up his neck to cup his face, her thumb brushing the soft, warm skin of his cheek. His eyes were heavy; fluttering softly at her touch before she leaned in to press her lips to his. Ava could feel his sigh rather than hear it, only a soft exhale as she gently sucked his top lip.

Her other hand lifted to scratch the back of his head as their mouths slowly parted, savoring his taste until the very last second. She rested her forehead against his, breathing in the faint smell of his cologne and fresh linen scent of the detergent he loved. It wasn't the first Christmas they spent together, or even the first spent at his family's home, but it felt special in it's own way.

"Come on," Ava nudged their noses together, "you know they're gonna be up early."

Harry breathed a soft laugh, pulling himself to slide up the bed and pull the covers down for her. She crawled up the bed, tucking herself beneath the cold sheets to snuggle in next to him. He pulled her closer immediately, situating themselves until they lay on their sides, sharing his pillow, legs tangled. His hand rested on her hip as hers squeezed his shirt in the center of his chest.

Ava could feel his breath tickle across her lips, their noses nearly touching. Circles were drawn into her skin again, just above her underwear. Harry's warmth encompassed them beneath the sheets the same way his soul did. Ava could have ten thousand of those moments and it still wouldn't feel like enough.

He kissed her sweetly, his lips slow and drawn out as they teased and sucked hers. His hand squeezed her hip, pulling her even closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling herself with him as much as she could, always wanting to be closer. Even when he was inside her, as close as humanly possible, she wanted more.

"Marry me," Harry breathed against Ava's mouth. She pulled her head back enough to find his eyes still closed, admiring the way they opened slowly to peer into hers. "Was gonna ask during presents," he murmured before chuckling slightly, "had a whole plan."

Ava's brows creased, endeared, before smiling. "What changed?"

His hand lifted to cup her cheek, his fingers tightly gripping the back of her neck. "Just decided I only wanna share this with you."

Her lips pouted slightly as warmth burst from her heart to travel throughout her entire body. She kissed him fully, his tongue smoothing over hers as he hummed.

He giggled against her lips. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes, yes, yes," she repeated as she moved to smother her lips across his cheek and jaw.

Harry tucked his face into her neck, hugging her so tight she could feel the patter of his heart against his ribs. His lips sucked soft kisses into her skin, his hands rubbing soothingly up and down her back. He kissed his way back to her mouth, pressing one last deep kiss to her lips, drinking her in slowly before peeling his body away from hers.

Ava wiped the corners of her teary eyes as he leaned over the edge of the bed to rummage through a discreetly tucked away duffle bag that he had apparently been hiding. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, her cheeks warm and her skin prickling as he turned back towards her with a closed fist.

She sat up with him, both of them crossing their legs, sitting face to face in the center of his childhood bed.

He fixed the ring between his first finger and thumb before extending his shaky hand out to her. It sparkled against the moonlight and the only thing Ava could think was how much she loved him. How often she thought about this moment, how often they both had talked about it, how happy she was that him becoming her forever was a reality.

Ava extended her hand as she sniffled, giggling with him as he slid the ring on, taking approximately five seconds to admire it on her finger before launching herself into him.

"I promise I'll love you forever," Harry whispered into her hair, emotion thick in his throat as he pulled her closer.

"I love you so much," she giggled as they fell back onto the bed with their arms tightly wrapped around one another.

Kisses were peppered against warm skin. Clothes were eagerly pulled off. He pushed into her slowly, promising that he could be quiet. Every movement was drawn out, until she was tensing around him with their mouths pathetically attempting to stifle their moans. And he followed right behind her, Harry's hips stuttering into Ava's as his murmurs of I love you fell into her mouth to slip down her throat and find their way to her heart.


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