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- Friday, July 12, 2019 -

Ava heard the back door open and close loudly from where she stood washing dishes.

It was a few minutes before Harry appeared in the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder to see him gently place his photography bag on the counter.

"You're home late," Ava stated simply.

"Yeah, the shoot ran late."


He huffed the smallest breath, "What?"

Ava paused at his tone, shaking her head as she placed clean dishes on the drying mat beside the sink. "Nothing."

She was met with silence and assumed Harry left the room. But then he muttered her name in the saddest voice she'd ever heard from him.

When Ava turned around, his eyes were glazed over and pleading with her to stop.

"Why are you being like this?" He spoke low, his voice deep with emotion.

She turned towards him once she turned the water off, drying her hands as she leaned back on the counter. "I'm not being like anything."

"Yes you are. You're so... cold." He spoke slowly, as if he was contemplating his words as he said them. "I know you're stressed. So am I. But... we don't act like this with each other."

Ava looked at your tired husband, the way his forehead creased and his mouth turned down with sadness. She wasn't even sure how they had gotten to that place. A place where their conversations felt forced, where she couldn't remember the last time she really felt intimate with him, where she looked at him and immediately felt guilt.

Ava's lashes brimmed with tears. "You feel... so far away," she whispered. "You've been working so much. But even when you're here you... you feel so far away."

He was in front of her the next second, his body pushing hers back to the counter as he grasped her face between his palms. "I'm right fucking here. Just let me in."

And then his mouth was slanted on hers. Warm and wet and completely intoxicating.

Harry pulled back just as quickly, and as soon as he did, all Ava felt was longing. She missed him, and all it took was one single kiss for that feeling to wash over her like a hurricane.

She leaned up as she pulled him by the back of his neck to meet his waiting mouth. Her hands pushed up into his hair, grasping tightly as her tongue met his. Her heart raced as his hands traveled the expanse of her sides until they gripped her hips to pull her even closer.

His breathing was ragged as he kissed her. His tongue passed hers deeply and a chill went down her spine. She'd forgotten what it was like to taste him like that.

"Just let me in," he murmured against her mouth as his hands slipped under her shirt. His palms were burning hot against her back.

She started to undo his trousers in response. The familiar clanking of his belt as she undid the button and pulled his zipped down made her stomach twist. His hands were yanking at her sweatpants in return, pushing them down her thighs until they pooled at her feet.

Every movement was rushed and the air was charged with lust.

No sooner did Ava's pants hit the floor was Harry hauling her up onto the counter. He pushed her legs apart, slotting his waist between her thighs as his mouth sucked kiss after kiss from her lips. It was so fast. Seconds later he was reaching between them to pull his length from his boxers. And then he was pulling her closer to the edge of the counter and pushing into her.

Ava gasped at the feel of him, thick and warm as he bottomed out.

He gave her less time than usual to adjust before he was finding a steady, hard rhythm. His strokes were deliberate. His grunts mingled with her moans on every thrust. The nails of one of Ava's hands dug into the back of his neck as the other pulled tightly on his hair.

"Fuck," Harry's lips parted from hers with a moan. He looked down to where their bodies met before he was pushing his face into her neck to suck her sensitive skin.

Ava let her head fall back on her neck, completely consumed by him. His grunts were just below her ear, vibrating against her skin as he fucked into her fiercely. Ava's back burned and her hips were already sore from where his fingers indented her skin. But she loved it; every sound he made, every thrust, every single thing.

"Oh my god," she moaned up to the ceiling as she squeezed his hair tighter.

He pulled his face from her neck, his eyes meeting herrs for the first time since he kissed her. His pupils were completely blown out and his lashes were wet from his pleasure. His brows were furrowed and his mouth hung open, his lips dangerously pink.

"Touch yourself for me," he grunted as he kept his pace.

Ava whimpered when she leaned in to kiss him, only for him to move his head back minutely so that he could look down as her fingers found her clit. His hair brushed her lips as he watched her rub herself in time with his strokes, tingles running overdrive through Ava's body. He was so deep, every single thrust felt like he was in the pit of her stomach.

Harry's nose brushed hers when he lifted his head. "Come on," he whispered his encouragement into her mouth. "Please."

One of his hands lifted to grip the hair at the back of Ava's head. He held her in place as he fucked her harder and watched as her orgasm painted pleasure across her features. He groaned in approval, his eyes not leaving hers until shes physically couldn't keep her lids from falling closed.

Harry pushed his face into the column of Ava's throat as he fucked her through it, grunting beautifully when his hips stilled as his orgasm filled her.

They caught their breath against each other's necks, completely still as they came down from their highs. Harry's hands eventually moved to Ava's waist, squeezing momentarily before his softening cock slipped from her.

He kissed her slowly, his lips pliable and soft against hers. The time he took was a stark contrast from what he just did. He cupped her jaw gently as his tongue teased her lip before biting gingerly.

His voice was just shy of a whisper. "Come on, let's go to bed."

He smoothed his hand down her thigh before he pulled away from her and tugged his pants back up to sit low on his hips, not bothering to button them again. He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge as she slowly slid off the counter, pulling her own pants back on.

He smiled sleepily at her in contentedness before disappearing around the corner, his feet heavy against the wood floors before disappearing upstairs.

Ava enjoyed the distraction. It was nice to feel him and get a glimpse of that passion that had once been such a big part of their relationship.

But as soon as she was alone, her emptiness returned like a freight train.


Thank you for reading! x 

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