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- Tuesday, September 28, 2020 -

It was like Ava could see the bright overhead lights before she even opened her eyes. She blinked slowly, adjusting to the harshness and groggily taking in her surroundings. A warm bed, soft socks, a faint beeping sound - it all started filtering into her senses as she came to. It was almost blissful, being unaware and waking up to a fresh day.

Except reality started to quickly set in and her heart rate began piterpattering as her eyes focused in on the band that wrapped around her waist and the dopplers that were attached to the sides of her belly. Ava suddenly felt way too warm. The blanket laying across her legs felt suffocating, the hospital gown itchy against her skin.

But the machine to her right - the one with the beeping, tracking her daughter's heart rate - that settled her.

"Hey, welcome back," Jess smiled as she checked the machines Ava was hooked up to. "Gave us a nice scare."

"What happened?" Ava spoke roughly, her voice cracking around her dry throat.

"You passed out. You were dehydrated, babe."

"Fuck," Ava breathed.

"And your blood pressure is through the roof..."

"Fuck," she breathed out again. "Preeclampsia?"

Jess hummed in response as she sat on the edge of Ava's bed. "You're okay, Dr. Wood is here. She already has you on the magnesium and everything looks okay so far."

"How long do we have until she has to come out?"

Preeclampsia; a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure that, if not treated, can lead to organ damage. And the only treatment is to not be pregnant. So Ava knew her baby was coming out sooner rather than later. Magnesium; a drug used to prevent seizures in women with preeclampsia, could only be administered for so long.

"She'll be in to talk to you soon, but they want to get you on Pitocin right away, see if it can jump start you into labor. They don't want to mess around with it babe."

Ava sighed, already anticipating that answer. "Yeah, yeah. I know. Is she okay? Charts look alright?"

"She's doing great," Jess smiled, squeezing Ava's hand reassuringly.

Ava released a deep breath, settling back into her pillow more. "Shit... did you call Harry?"

"He's on his way," Jess nodded.

Ava relaxed a bit more just knowing he would be with her soon. And as if his ears were burning, the hospital room door burst open and her frazzled husband eagerly stormed into the room.

"Christ baby! You okay?" He rushed as he practically power walked to the side of her bed, sitting down parallel to Jess. "Hey, Jess," he shot her a quick glance and a smile before bringing his worried eyes back to Ava's face.

Jess laughed as she stood, squeezing Ava's hand once more. "I'll leave you guys to it."

"I'm okay," Ava chuckled as Jess pulled your door closed, taking in Harry's messy hair and creased brows. "Was dehydrated. Passed out," she chuckled. "And... I have preeclampsia."

His warm hand cupped her cheek, fingers tucking behind her neck as his eyes flitted across her face. "Shit, babe. What does that mean?"

"They're gonna induce me."

He nodded as he processed what she was saying. "When?"

"Now," Ava smiled. "It's okay," she breathed when his eyes widened.

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