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- Friday, May 5, 2013 -

"You almost done?"

Harry leaned his hip against the bar of the station Ava was cleaning, loosening his bow tie as he looked at her.

"Yeah, just gotta put the goblets away and fill the juice machine."

"Here, I'll do these," he reached for the rack of glasses, smiling when she kissed his cheek.

Ava had been dating Harry for two months and to say things were going great would be an understatement. It was better than great. She was completely smitten.

Honestly, she was more than smitten.

Ava looked over her shoulder at him as she headed back to the kitchen, watching him carefully place glass after glass up on the shelf. She could see his back muscles move beneath the thin white dress shirt, making her even more eager to finish up her sidework.

Harry's parents were out of town that weekend, and the first sleepover with her boyfriend was waiting for her just on the other side of their shift. He was adorable when he mentioned it. Nervous smiles and butterflies floating around tummies at the prospect of spending the entire night together, uninterrupted. The thought of not having to sneak around made Ava's skin tingle with anticipation.

She finished her side work as quickly as possible. Harry was already in the office pulling his thin hoodie over his head when Ava went to clock out. He was beside her instantly, holding her cardigan out to her with a smile.

They walked out the back door, hand in hand, as they said your goodbyes to their friends.

"Can I drive?" Ava smiled enthusiastically up to him.

His mouth curled into that smirk; the one that made her pulse race the very first night they met. The same smirk that pulled the exact same reaction from her every time she had seen it since.

He reached into his pocket without a word to hand his keys over. And with a small tap to her behind, he headed to the passengers seat.

The weather was starting to change into one of Ava's favorite seasons. The sun was warm during the day and the breeze was cool at night. The rain was starting to slow down and the air was starting to get that fragrant sweet smell that she loved.

Harry relaxed back into his seat with his hands folded behind his head and a smile on his face. Ava chuckled softly as she started his car, adjusting his rearview and buckling her seatbelt. He cracked his window after a while, letting some of the cool air of the evening breathe it's way into the car before plugging his phone into the makeshift aux port he added to the car.

Losing My Religion by R.E.M played through his speakers as they cruised through the back roads to his family's home.

They both sang along, stealing glances and smiles every so often. That was the thing about their relationship, it was nice just being with him. He never made Ava feel like she needed to try too hard and he never made her feel like she had to be anything she wasn't. They were naturally comfortable with each other from the start.

Ava smiled when she caught him taking a picture of her out of the corner of your eye. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," he sang, amused. "You look pretty."

She smiled softly at him as she reached up to cup the side of his face with her free hand. The sun was almost completely set on the horizon, but it still cast the most beautiful orangey pink light on his features, his eyes shining brightly against the contrasting colors. When Ava looked back to the road, she felt him take hold of her wrist and gently place a kiss to her palm before intertwining their fingers in his lap.

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