Chapter Twelve

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I always knew this day was going to come.

I was just always hoping that maybe it wouldn't.

That maybe it would be cancelled.

But no.

Here it had come, the first day of a new school where everybody had no idea who I even was.


I was currently stood in front of my wardrobe, completely disgusted by the hideous school uniform, nerves bursting around my stomach.

I ignored my make up, saying to myself that I wasn't trying to impress anyone.

I threw the uniform on quickly and stuffed my feet into my shoes.

I ran my fingers softly through my hair, removing the small bumps and letting it just fall in soft waves down my back.

I ran down the stairs when I heard Connor rev his new car engine. Mum had decided he'd deserved it after already soaring with the band and had wanted to make sure he'd settled back in England well.

Thanks for my gift Mum.

Note the sarcasm.

I quickly kissed my mother on the cheek, her dressing gown swirling around her legs, and flew down the porch steps and into the passenger door.

"Hurry up, I have band practice this morning and I don't want to be late because of you again" he reached over and shut my door for me, dumping my bag at my feet.

He looked good in his uniform unlike some people.

"Okay grumpy chill out, I'm on time and it's not like they'll start without you" I grabbed my seat belt and buckled it in, resting my head against the head rest to catch my breath.

There'd been no more incidents with 'him' since the woods and I'd barely spoken to Tristan since that day.

Him busy with band practice and me getting to know the town had meant that we'd only been able to speak passively.

I hated to admit it but I actually missed him.

I understand he did frustrate me, and I claimed he was an ass, but deep down I knew he was different. I knew he could be the person he is usually when I catch him off guard.

I could feel Connors excitement and anticipation for his new day at school, but he had it good.

He was basically already best friends with a rising band who were probably the most popular people here.

He was lucky.

I on the other hand didn't know anyone except Grace. And I'm fairly sure she has other, better friends without me following her around like a sheep dog.

I sighed heavily as the big gates rose up in the distance and groaned internally at the thought of what was to come.

I imagined the strange looks and the laughs I'd get in the corridor, people desperate to not have to be the one to show me round.

I was going to be sick.

Connor swiveled the car round neatly into a parking spot a safe distance away and jumped out, forcing me to enter the gates of hell before the bell had even rung.

"We're practicing in the music room so I'll see you later" he kissed me briefly on the head and then ran off, to his best friends and popularity.

I could feel people staring as I stepped on to the front step and pushed my hair in front of my face, hiding myself behind my fringe.

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