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AN: 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 this one really doesn't feel like angst I don't know anymore 

1. Death
2. Fanfiction about irl people called utaites, although only using their avatars :3 
3. Platonic shipping (Pairings: SoraUra, UraSaka, Naruluz(?) )
4. Mind control (it's in the title jeez)
5. I only skimmed through as proofreading so... not edited in a way?

Don't forget:

MaiMia will not take any responsibility for your tears, fears and trauma, so read at your own risk!
But, MaiMia will be handing out hugs, tissues, chocolates and cupcake if you need it.

Enjoy reading~

"Soraru..." the raven haired turned to face the brunette with a black mask covering the bottom half of his face.

"What's wrong, Urata?" the raven haired asked as he patted the shorter's head. "Did something catch your eye again?"

The brunette shakily pointed in the distance. Soraru followed the direction to find three boys with different coloured hair. They were chatting happily without a care in the world.

"What about them?" Soraru asked, confused. He couldn't see the significance in the three boys.

"T-The red one..." Urata looked down as he retracted his hand. His words were slightly muffled by the mask but Soraru could still hear his soft words.

"What about him?" Soraru glanced back at the three boys, this time staring more intensely at the red-haired boy.

The red-haired boy seemed like a nice person, judging from how his eyes seem to sparkle as he smiled and talk.

The brunette fiddled with the hem of his hoodie, refusing to look up. Soraru, confused by the silence looked back at the boy.

Urata's face was slightly red, even though his mask hid most of his flustered face. Embarrassed? That was not it. Shyness? Scared?

"Do you want to be friends with him?" Urata looked at the raven-haired boy, surprise shown in his green eyes.

He hesitantly nodded, earning a small smile from the raven-haired.

"Then-" Soraru was cut off by a ringing from his phone. He fished out the said device and excused himself.

Urata hummed softly and nodded again before going back to observe the red-haired.

Soraru sighed as he walked away, answering the call on the way.

The trio was now playfully teasing each other, causing the redhead's face to rival his own bright red hair. This made Urata smile softly as he continued to stare at the red-haired.

He sadly touched his black mask. Would the redhead accept him as a friend even with how he is? Soraru was the only one who stayed by his side out of the rest of the world after all...

His fears poured into his mind as he continued to watch the three. However, the urge to be friends with the redhead was stronger. Somewhere deep within him, he had a feeling that it was going to be different.

Even if he did feel that, when the trio started walking in his direction, he couldn't help but panic.

Why were they walking towards here? Maybe they just wanted to go somewhere else. Yeah, that probably was it.

For good measure, he pulled his hood over his brown hair and looked to the direction that Soraru had disappeared to. What was taking the raven-haired so long?

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