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AN: Hey I finished earlier for once~ Yay~

This is for OsamaNekoniAhoRiyu and KawaiiPatootOwO. You're welcome, and don't mind the trashy writing~

Reminiscing definition: indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events

1. Fanfiction about irl people called utaites
2. Gay pairing: UraSora (they're pretty OOC here-)
3. A little weird- (I blame Grandpa for showing me that novel and ASMR after that-)
4. Death (what a surprise-//kicked)
5. Slight proofread and edited

Don't forget:

MaiMia will not take any responsibility for your tears, fears and trauma, so read at your own risk!
But, MaiMia will be handing out hugs, tissues, chocolates and cupcake if you need it.

Enjoy reading~

"Chibi Tsundere." The brunette turned to glare at the raven-haired who just flashed a lazy smile.

"Say that again, and I'll kill you." Urata threatened crossing his arms with a huff.

"As if you can even kill me with your height, shortie," Soraru teased.

Urata tackled the older raven-haired, surprising the latter as the both of them landed on the floor with a thump. Soraru groaned in pain, but Urata did not care as he hovered over the taller boy.

"Go on. Call me short again and see what happens." Urata growled, his face inches away from the other's.

Soraru continued with his lazy smile before softly saying, "Shortie."

Soraru expected a punch to the face by the shorter brunette, but he was instead met with a soft kiss. His eyes widened as he could feel the brunette biting his bottom lip gently.

Urata pulled away with a blush and he looked away.

"Call me shortie again and I'll do that!" He quickly stood up, wanting to leave the awkward situation.

Soraru chuckled softly before he quickly grabbed the boy's arm as he sat up.

Urata was immediately taken by surprise and he tried to struggle out of the older's grip, but all was in vain.

"Let go of me!" Urata said in an angry tone, but Soraru could hear his silent fear and anxiety.

So, Soraru pulled the shorter down, surprising the brunette more. He wrapped his arms around Urata's waist, successfully trapping the smaller boy before blowing air into the said boy's ear.

Urata felt chills running through his spine as the raven-haired blew air into his ear.

"Shortie~" Soraru teased again, but this time in a more playful manner, and let go of the smaller boy.

"Oh, you're really asking for it," Urata growled as he spun around and slammed the boy to the ground again, hovering over Soraru once again.

Soraru whined softly as Urata quickly connected their lips again. Like before, Urata bit on Soraru's lip albeit a little harsher.

A few moments later, Urata bulled away, leaving the raven-haired breathless. Both their faces were red, but it was clear that the older's face was more flushed.

Seeking revenge, Urata leaned down next to the older's ear. He blew into his ear, and he could see the boy beneath him shudder.

With a satisfied smirk, he whispered seductively into the boy's ear.

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