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AN: Your resident author is back from a small break UwU

When I finished writing this, I realised how off topic this story went but it was too beautiful to not post it-

Just know the person refuse to fight back and save themselves from a precarious situation ;'D

Also note the next few days might be all Utaite/ IDV fanfics since its easier for me to write ;w; I'll try to throw in some original stories too!

INSPIRED BY ARTEMIS FOWL BOOK SERIES (this is one of my favourite book series, feel free to check it out if you want to)

1. Fanfiction about irl people called utaites
2. Gay pairing: SakaUra (?)/ UraSaka (?) Not too sure zz
3. Monster AU
4. No death-//kicked
                            OKAY there is death-
5. Slight proofread and edited

Don't forget:

MaiMia will not take any responsibility for your tears, fears and trauma, so read at your own risk!
But, MaiMia will be handing out hugs, tissues, chocolates and cupcake if you need it.

Enjoy reading~ 

"I hope this works..." Sakata stood up with a sigh. He scanned the large array around him, checking it one last time. He looked at it, satisfied, before noticing a brunette with white wings and demon horns sitting at the edge of array, looking at the array with slight fear.

Sakata sighed and brush his black robes as he made his way to the brunette from the middle of the array.

"Urasan, you shouldn't be out..." Sakata gently scolded as he stepped out of the array.

The brunette looked to the redhead, his emerald eyes meeting with ruby ones.

The redhead scooped the demon boy into his arms, and Urata instinctively wrapped his arms around the redhead's neck.

"D-Don't just do that suddenly..." Urata mumbled before burying his face in the redhead's neck, hiding his slight blush.

"Then don't just run around." Sakata sighed as he quickly started to walk back to the house they shared. "Your demonic energy will attract the enemies."

"B-But I made sure to wear it the necklace..." Urata said, albeit it was muffled since his face was still buried in the redhead's neck.

"I've told you the necklace is not very effective," Sakata said as he slipped into the house. "It still has a high chance of leaking out your energy."


"No buts, Urasan," Sakata scolded as he placed the brunette demon on the couch. "You're in danger every time you go out the house."

"Then why don't you use that spell?!" Urata snapped back. "Just use it permanently on me, then you don't have to worry about it!"

Urata looked down, tears forming in his eyes. He just wanted all this to stop. He wanted Sakata to smile, instead of frowning while stressing for the brunette demon.

It was all because of his energy went uncontrollable after that time warp incident they went through.

The two of them were trapped in a time space by a demon stronger than Urata, and when they first met in the time space, the two of them didn't get along.

Sakata, a priest, was taught that demons were evil, was afraid of the brunette, while Urata, who was the second strongest demon of his realm, detested people who were weaker than him. So, he hated Sakata, who was a mere priest.

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