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AN: Courtesy of  MikotoHoshizora2003 for inspiring me to write a cursed Uno AU after I did a cursed chess AU in my randomness book

It took a lot of research, planning and surprisingly MATH to write this (you'll see why)

I laughed at it so maybe it's good? Kinda short but kinda satisfying for me

Anyway, as per usual warnings! 

1. Death
2. Fanfiction about irl people called utaites, although only using their avatars :3
3. Gay shippings (Pairings: SenUra and NaruLuz)
4. Let's just say it's cursed. Like, cursed. Super cursed. idk maybe I'm exaggerating
5. I only skimmed through as proofreading so... not edited in a way?

Don't forget:

MaiMia will not take any responsibility for your tears, fears and trauma, so read at your own risk!
But, MaiMia will be handing out hugs, tissues, chocolates and cupcake if you need it.

Enjoy reading~

"Are you ready to start the game?" Sakata held out the cards with a Cheshire smile. "A nice relaxing game of Uno!"

The two blondes nervously looked at each other as they took a seat at the table, on the opposite of each other.

Why do they need to gamble in order to help their loved ones to live?

Senra hid his shaking arms under the table as he tried to calm himself. He had to win, Urata's life was on stake here after all...

Luz took a deep breath as he crossed his arms. He totally wasn't nervous. It was not as if the love of his life was going to lose their life...

Oh, who was he kidding? He was terrified, but he can't let Nqrse just die now, can he?

Sakata smiled at his two victims as he proceeded to shuffle the cards with an experienced motion.

Was the game of life and death ever fair to either sides?

He quickly dealt out seven cards to each side before setting the last 94 cards in a deck on the middle.

"It's a normal Uno game, really," Sakata explained. "Finish all the cards in your hand, with a few small twists."

"If you play a '0' card, you two have to switch your hands; when you have the cards of the same number, even though it is different colours, you are allowed to play it as a double or triple or even quadruple if you're that lucky. Do you understand?" Senra and Luz both nodded gently, still silent. "Well, then good luck to the both of you, and remember..."

"First player to finish their hands gets to rescue their loved one."

Sakata gestured to the screen behind him, revealing two unconscious boys who were tied together back to back.

Urata's head was lolled to his left, his eyes shut in pain even unconscious while Nqrse was faced down, his pink hair hiding his face. Dark purple and blue bruises coloured their skin in various places, albeit most of it was hidden due to the long sleeves of Urata's green hoodie and Nqrse's now shredded, blood-stained white knee-length dress.

Luz gritted his teeth in anger as he hugged himself tighter, while Senra looked away, unable to face the injured image of his beloved.

"Now that we know what's at risk, so shall we begin?"

Senra reached his hand towards his starting hand. He frowned at the cards. Not a great hand to start with, but it was still good enough if he played his cards right.

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