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AN: I don't know if this is angst but yeah.... yolo

Inspired by animatic above ^^ Can I just say how Eve's voice is so beautiful-//slapped 
Excuse my fangirling 

Also thank you for the near 200 reads even though we're only on day 4 :DD

Still exhausted as heck but I managed to finish it up while listening to USSS streams xD (although as I post this and Shima goes round and round on the spinning platform is making me dizzzy af so no editing only slight proofread...)

And this is shorter than before... ;-;

1. Death and Suicide
2. Fanfiction about the game Identity V 
3. Gay shipping (Pairing: Jack x Naib)
4. No editing no proof reading

Don't forget:

MaiMia will not take any responsibility for your tears, fears and trauma, so read at your own risk!
But, MaiMia will be handing out hugs, tissues, chocolates and cupcake if you need it.

Enjoy reading~

"Stop that!" Martha laughed as she jokingly punched Naib's arm. "We're about to go in for a match and you're making me laugh!"

"Maybe the hunter would be friendly now that they heard your joke," Servais said with a smile.

"Kreacher agrees!" Kreacher was laughing as he rolled on the floor.

Naib just rested his head on his arm with a lazy smile as he watched his three other friends laugh at his stupid joke.

The four of them were in the lobby, waiting for the hunter to ready up for the match.

"Well even if the hunter isn't friendly, maybe you can kite them while telling them jokes," Martha teased.

"Yeah right," Naib said as he rolled his eyes before laughing along. "As if they would."

A ping was heard, signalling the hunter was ready for the match.

"Well good luck all of you," Martha said. She looked at Naib before hugging him gently. "Do your best, okay? Come back with us safely this time."

Naib gratefully returned the hug with a warm smile.

"I will, don't worry."


Naib sighed as he finished up his cipher.

Why weren't the others decoding? He hasn't heard any other ciphers go off, and he was pretty sure he was the slowest decoder in the team.

Maybe they were just trolling with a friendly hunter.

Yeah, that was probably it. Although Martha would normally be completing ciphers even with a friendly hunter, so that they can escape easily without the hunter surrendering.

Naib sighed once more and decided to look for his teammates, wherever they were. Deciding to start with the largest building on the map, he jogs there with a hum.

A heartbeat confirmed the presence of the hunter, followed by a thick fog.

Jack was definitely the hunter, and he was not known to be friendly at all. His gut was already telling him that something was very wrong and he should turn and run immediately.

However, the concern for his friends overpowered his fear and he stepped into the foggy building.

The faint scent of blood immediately filled his nostrils and he blinked in confusion. Why would there be scent of blood if Jack was playing friendly?

31 short stories of angst [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now