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AN: Holy shit this took long. I only worked 4 hours on this, this is fine. I had to rush a bit since my mom forced me out of the house since I haven't been out of the house for nearly 2-3 months

Golly. I hope this break hearts because it broke mine, if I did even have one.

Inspired by song above so if you know the song you should know what would happen :3 (4 hours of looping this and I'm still not sick of it UwU)

Also happy birthday Eve! One hour before your birthday ends I post this www just in time xD although it's angst

1. Fanfiction about irl people called utaites, although only using their avatars
2. Gay shipping (Pairing: EveSou one of my most favourite pairings)
3. Death (really can't go a chapter without death xD)
4. Too tired to proofread and edit
5. Heartbreaking?

Don't forget:

MaiMia will not take any responsibility for your tears, fears and trauma, so read at your own risk!
But, MaiMia will be handing out hugs, tissues, chocolates and cupcake if you need it. (hearts too)

This is long. 3k words xD

Enjoy reading~

The tale of Little Red Riding Hood is a well-known fairy tale throughout the world. It has many versions, but the most famous one is the Grimm brothers' version.

The Little Red Riding Hood walks through the forest to her grandma's house. In the forest on the way to her grandma's house, she stops and takes a break, and the Big Bad Wolf notices her and asks her where she is going.

The naïve girl answers honestly, and the Big Bad Wolf forms a plan to gobble the two. He delays the girl's arrival by telling her that her grandma would love it if she picked some flowers for her. The girl agrees and proceeds to do as the wolf said.

The Big Bad Wolf then leaves her and rushes to the said grandma's house, quickly gobbling up the grandma and dresses up as the older woman.

The unsuspecting Little Red Riding Hood visits her 'grandma' happily. As she notices some oddities with her 'grandma's' normal appearance, she questions her 'grandma', starting with her arms, her eyes, then ears before finally asking her about her teeth.

The Big Bad Wolf answers most of it with sweet lies, with the exception of the teeth. He answers it with, "All the better to eat you with!", before attacking the girl and eating her. The wolf then fell asleep in the house, feeling tired.

A lumberjack passes by and saves the two woman in the wolf's stomach by cutting it open. They then filled the wolf's stomach with stones, sews it shut and hid.

The wolf wakes up feeling extremely thirsty. He drags himself to the river to drink water, but he falls into the lake due to the weight of the stones and drowns.

The three humans then lived happily ever after.

However, how much of this story is actually true?


"Take care of yourself, okay?" The blonde mother of the mushroom-haired said as she gently kissed the forehead of the boy. "Don't stop in the middle of the forest, and don't talk to the strangers."

"Yes mom," Eve said with a neutral expression.

"Don't forget your cape!" the blonde woman said worriedly as she draped the bright red cape over his shoulders and tied it firmly. "Have fun visiting grandma!"

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