C u t e • G u y s

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"What would you like today sir?" Hinata was taking down someone's order. He was in his normal cheerful mood and the cute guy sitting in front of him made it better.

"A black coffee."

He quickly wrote the order and started to make his coffee. It didn't take long since he had worked there for over two years now.

"Okay here is your black coffee."

"Thank you."

Hinata then went to the back. The place never had many customers, so he would usually stayed in the back with his co-worker Akaashi.

Akaashi was reading while checking the cameras.

"Akaashi did you see that guy? He looks cute. What if he's my soulmate?"

"Hinata you say that every time you see someone that's your type. You'll find someone."

"I guess. Have you found someone Akaashi?"

"Hmm? Yeah I think so."


"Don't you have customers to take care of?" He pointed at the cameras and a group of people had entered.

"Fine but this conversation isn't over Akaashi!"

Akaashi just chuckled as Hinata left, notepad and pen in hand. He headed to the table to see three people.

"Welcome to Sunshine Cafe! What can I get you gentlemen today?" Hinata looked at the three males. Then he saw Bokuto.

"Oh Bokuto! Would you like your usual?"

Bokuto had black and white hair styled in a way that made him look like an owl. His golden eyes filled with happinesses.

"Yes and can you have Akaashi bring it Hinata?"

"Of course! I'm sure he would love to see you. And what can I get you two." He spoke as he wrote Bokuto's order, a macchiato.

The first person to speak was a man with black spikey hair. He had hazle eyes that reminded Hinata of a cat. He had a dark red button up with black jeans.
"Can I have a nitro cold brew?"

"Okay a nitro cold brew, macchiato and?"

The last person to speak had blonde hair and black roots. He had golden eyes like Bokuto's, but Hinata couldn't look away from them. They were so mesmerizing. He wore a white shirt with black suspenders. "Can I have an iced tea?"

"Hmm? Oh sorry yes sir! Would you like anything else." His voice was so calming. There I go again Hinata thought, falling for someone.

They shook their heads and Hinata headed to his work station. Then he felt someone grab his hand. He turned to see the customer from earlier. He had black hair and blue eyes.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh! R-really? Give me a minute I need to make some drinks."

The male nodded and let go of his hands. Hinata quickly headed to the back. "AKAASHI THE CUTE GUY FROM EARIER WANTS TO TALK TO ME!"

Akaashi looked up from his book. "Is that so?"

"Mhm. Oh I'm going to make the drinks, you take them over."

"Ok Hinata."

Hinata then got to work. He quickly made the drinks and gave them to Akaashi. Then he headed towards the blue eyed male.

"You wanted to talk to me? Was there something wrong with your order?"

"Oh no the coffee was great, I just wanted to have a little chat."

Hinata's heart skipped a beat. For once a cute guy actually wanted to talk to him. Well Akaashi was pretty, but not Hinata's type.

"Im Tobio Kageyama."

"Kageyama? I like that name! I'm Shōyō Hinata. It's nice to meet you!"

"Is the cafe the only place you work in?"

Hinata hesitated but then answered truthfully. "No it's not. I also work to complete my customers needs."

"What needs?"

"I help them....with their needs like b-bullying."

"Ah so like a therapist?"

"Sure let's go with that."

Kageyama was confused, but let it slide for now. They talked for a few more minutes before Bokuto called for him. He quickly excused himself and headed over to Bokuto.

"Did you see that? A cute guy talked to me!!"

Bokuto just laughed. "Yeah shrimpy good job! By the way, can you call Akaashi back? And tell him Kuroo wants to talk to him."

The man with spiky black hair look at Bokuto. "Why are you using my name? I don't want to talk to him! No offense."

"If shrimpy tells Akaashi that I want to talk to him, he isn't going to come out."

Kuroo just sighed and turned to the male next to him. "How do you like the outfit Kenma? You can find a boyfriend like that!"

Kenma looked up from his game. "Kuroo I'm never letting you choose my outfit again. I don't like it."

Kuroo faced Hinata. "Do you like his outfit?" Hinata blushed. He did. It looked great on him.

"Yeah I think it looks nice. B-but i think that you would look better in another outfit." Hinata hid his face behind his notepad. He looked over to see Kenma slightly blushing.

Bokuto noticed his blush and smirked. "Hinata. Is there something you want to say to dear Kenm-"

Suddenly someone came in. Hinata looked up, expecting to see another customer. Instead he saw an older man come in with a box.

He took a step back, not wanting to be near his manager. He never liked his manager Ian, and Akaashi didn't either.

"Hinata! Can you call Akaashi over?"

"Right away sir." Hinata basically spat at him when he said that. He headed to the back to see Akaashi on his phone. "Someone wants to see you."


"Bokuto. Oh and our manager."

Akaashi dropped his phone. "Ian is here?" He sounded disgusted, and Hinata didn't blame him.

"Yeah. Let's go before he comes to the back."

Akaashi picked up his phone and they both headed to the front where their manager was grinning.

"Good news boys! Your new uniform came in."

Iced Tea//Kenhina: Killer AUWhere stories live. Discover now